4.4K 54 3

Allison: 19
Dean: 28
Sam: 25

The Impala pulls into the hotel parking lot and Dean kills the engine.
"He said this was an emergency?" Allison asks from the backseat.
"Yeah, he texted me like 15—now 16 times," Sam says looking at his phone. Dean looks around confusedly.
"What the..." Dean trails off, causing Sam and Allison to look up. They are surrounded by 1967 Chevy Impalas. Chuck comes bursting through the doors of the hotel as the Winchesters are exiting their car confusedly.
"I'm so sorry! You can leave now..." Chuck says nervously.
"What's going on?" Dean asks.
"Becky uh stole my phone," Chuck says quietly. Becky comes running out and squeals with joy.
"You came!" She screams and hugs Sam. The Winchesters can't help but look completely bewildered as Becky beams at them.
"Sam and! It's always a pleasure." She sticks out her hand but no one takes it. She looks Allison up and down. "Oh, my God! You must be Allison! Wow! I've never seen you before...Chuck, she's just like in your books! Blonde, beautiful, curvy in all the right places..." Becky grins at her creepily as Allison awkwardly smiles and backs away. Dean sighs and glares at Chuck. "I have a feeling we're gonna be best friends!" She says and goes to hug Allison.
"Becky...right?" Sam asks, lightly pushing her away and she nods. "You called us here for an emergency?"
"Um...I may have exaggerated a bit, but it's really important! Just come inside," she says excitedly and then leads them indoors.
"I'm so sorry guys," Chuck says solemnly. The doors open up and they see...Supernatural. Multitudes of Deans, Sams, Allisons, a few Bobbys, monsters of all kinds and so much more. All of the Winchesters' jaws drop.
"I'm gonna be sick," Dean says.
"Oh, Dean! Always so dramatic!" Becky says and Dean glares at her. She takes Sam's arm and leads him away. Chuck laughs awkwardly.
"I'm gonna...go somewhere...that's not here." He runs away just as two guys walk up to Dean and Allison.
"Hey," one of them says in a gruff voice. Dean looks up and frowns.
"What the hell do you want?" Dean says sassily.
"I dunno, dick," one of the men say. The other man puts his hand on his friend's shoulder.
"Dean, calm down," he says. Dean looks to the ground and sighs.
"Do I really need to punch you right in your ugly mug to get you to leave me alone?" Dean says.
"Dean..." Allison says.
"Woah, buddy! Where'd you find this uncanny Allison Winchester?" One of them says, breaking character. Allison laughs and Dean glares at him.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm Greg and this is Dave." Greg sticks out his hand and Dean ignores it.
"Alrighty..." Greg puts his hand inside his pocket.
"Seriously, how did you guys find each other?" Dave asks.
"Cousins," Allison says and they nod.
"You're almost as real as the professional Allison," Greg says to her, blushing a little. "Those guys are so cool."
"What?" Dean asks.
"Professional LARPers. They perfectly embody the Winchesters. It's crazy," Dave says.
"What are Larpurs?" Dean asks, making Dave and Greg laugh.
"Oh, I get it. He's trying to get into character," Greg says. "Dean, it's Live Action Role Play," he says, imitating Sam.
"You're an alright Dean...but you gotta see this guy. Let's go," Dave says. They lead them to a pack of people surrounding a stage. On stage there are 3 people: a 6ft, muscular, dirty blonde, which would be Dean; an even taller, broad shouldered guy with shaggy brown hair; and a young, pretty blonde with nice...assets. All in flannel, all roughed up, all fully in character. People are waiting in line to talk to them and take pictures. Coming from across the room, Becky and Sam approach; Sam is clearly not very happy.
"What do you guys think? Crazy right?" Becky squeals.
"Are you guys seeing this?" Dean asks.
"Unfortunately," Sam and Allison say.
"I need to sit down," Allison says.
"Here! Let's go to the bar, get you a burger and a slice of cherry pie! You'd like that! It's your favorite meal. Probably because it's what you always had when you were happily hunting with the family before things went to crap. A-and it's crazy because you only eat garbage but you still look amazing! I mean, you used to be a little chunky, but we won't talk about that because you'd just get embarrassed and—"
"Shut up, Becky," Allison says.
"Sorry!" She rushes Allison over to the bar.
"Why are we still here, Sam?" Dean asks.
"I'm ready to leave when you are," Sam says, looking at the professional LARPers. Dean follows his gaze.
"I'm way better looking than that guy!" Dean says and Sam laughs. A few girls turn around and give him a look.
"A-and that 'Allison' looks like a freaking Victoria's Secret Angel, not Ally!" Dean says uncomfortably. "And that 'Sam' looks like Marmaduke!"
"These are really accurate if you're a true fan of the books!" A girl spits in Dean's face. When she turns back to her friend, Dean mimics her to Sam. Allison walks up to her brothers with Becky still jabbing in her ear.
"So, obviously you and Gabriel have this unbreakable bond because you're his natural vessel. Is he just your eternal protector or is it something more? Maybe even love? Would you ever consider—"
"Did you eat?" Sam interrupts.
"I lost my appetite," Allison says.
"Really? You two are always hungry!" Becky says gesturing to her and Dean. "I wonder if it's to fill the void of your absent father or if it's because—".
"Please stop." Allison turns to her and passive aggressively smiles. "Let's go."
"Did I do something wrong?" Becky scurries after them as they leave.
"Yes. Literally everything about this is wrong," Dean says. Becky looks to Sam.
"I hope I didn't upset you, baby," Becky says.
"Just stop," Sam says. Chuck comes out the hotel doors and waves sheepishly as Becky starts to sob. The Winchesters get in the car and start driving away.
"Why?" Allison asks rhetorically after some silence.
"God must hate us," Dean says, turning up the music.

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