What's Your Biggest Fear?

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Hey guys! For this chapter, everything that happens comes from my own crazy brain...soooo the plot may be a little confusing.
Still, I hope you enjoy!

Allison: 6
Dean: 15
Sam: 13

"Hiya, Sammy! Would you like a balloon animal?" The clown grins at Sam maniacally, holding up a bag of balloons.
"No! P-please leave me alone!" Sam backs away from the clown but stumbles over his sneakers and falls to the ground. The clown laughs at Sam who lies in a pathetic heap on the ground and he viciously picks Sam up by his shirt collar.
"Don't hurt me!" Sam cries.
"No promises, Sammy!" The clown cackles and licks his lips. "You look scrumdidiliumptious!"
"Dean? D-dad? Please!" Sam sobs, trembling under the clown's tight grasp.
"Crying our for your Daddy? It makes me sick to see how much of a pussy you are!" The clown throws Sam against the wall, which quickly knocks the air out of him.
"S-Sammy? Is th-the clown gone?" A small voice quivers in the opposite corner of the dark room. Horror floods Sam's face as the clown realizes that there is another child nearby.
"Oh? Sam, you didn't tell me we had company!" The clown giggles, dancing around the dark and musty room.
"Oh, God. Please, don't hurt her," Sam sobs.
The clown sniffs around the room and grins when he finds the small little blonde girl hiding behind a warped mirror that leans up against the wall.
"Oh, hello!" The clown smiles down at the cowering little girl. "Would you like some...candy?!"
Allison looks up at the clown, who is offering her a bag of gummy worms: her favorite.
"Ally, don't!" Sam begs but Allison's chubby little hand quickly reaches out for the candy. The clown grins and grabs her arm, bringing her up to his mouth.
"Sammy!" Allison screams in terror.
"Wait! Take me! Please!" Sam cries as the clown creepily licks Allison's cheek.
"Hm! Needs salt. I'll be right back." The clown flings Allison into the wall and runs up the creaky staircase.
"Ally?" Sam sobs, dragging himself over to her. Allison wails and Sam brings her into his arms, attempting to calm her down.
"Sam?" John's voice calls out.
"Dad? Where are you?" Sam screams.
John and Dean come crashing down the stairs. They hurriedly run to Sam and Allison, throwing their weapons to the floor.
"What the hell happened, Sam?" John yells.
"I-I don't—"
"Sam, what did you do?" Dean says sadly.
"My poor baby," John cries, cradling his young daughter.
"Please. Let's just g-go! Before he comes back," Sam cries.
"Who?" Dean says, realizing that his little brother is completely petrified. He looks down and sees that Sam had wet his pants. Anger swells in Dean's stomach.
     "Who did this to you two?!" Dean repeats.
"The m-monster! The clown!" Sam sobs and John sadly looks at his son.
"Okay, Sam. I'm sor—"
The clown suddenly appears behind John and snaps his neck. The young Winchesters scream in terror as the clown drags their father's dead body to the far corner of the room.
"Mmm! Who is next?" The clown giggles.
Dean lunges at the clown but the monster quickly pulls out a knife and stabs Dean several times. Dean falls to the floor, clutching his bloody abdomen as Sam screams out in horror.
The clown then reaches for Allison and laughs as she screams and kicks her tiny feet at him. His gloved hands clamp down on her ankles and he starts to aggressively shake her up and down. Allison squirms and screams for him to stop.
"Ally..." Dean wheezes sadly, laying his head down on the ground.
"Stop it! Please!" Sam yells.
"Too cute! I could just EAT YOU UP!" The clown then takes a bite out of Allison's neck, making Sam vomit and Dean give out one final sob. The clown continues to feast on Allison but stops as soon as her cries dwindle away to nothing. Sam sobs weakly and looks away from his dead family.
"You killed them! Y-you killed my family!"
"That's the game kid! You're next and then we go again!" The clown lunges at Sam and his cackle rings out as it all goes black.


     "Would you like pretzels or cookies?"
     "What?" Dean asks.
     "Pretzels or cookies, young man?" An aging flight attendant asks.
     Dean frantically looks around the aircraft and takes in a deep, shaky breath. He shuts his eyes tight and pinches his arm.
     "Young man?"
     "Dammit, lady!" Dean yells, opening his eyes.
     "None for you then," the old woman says with a glare, moving onto the next passenger.
     "Dad? Sam? Ally?" Dean calls out and the other passengers give him a weird look. The aircraft starts to rumble and shake. The lights flash and the plane bobs up and down in the darkening sky.
     "Please stay seated as we experience a bit of unexpected turbulence," the intercom mumbles. Dean breathes shakily and shuts his eyes tight.
     "Dean?" Allison's small, quivering voice asks. Dean looks around for his little sister and sees her and Sam across the aisle, sitting a few rows back.
     "Hey! Hey, guys! I-it's okay!" Dean tries to stay calm but the plane continues to shake.
     Oxygen masks drop down from the ceiling and Dean cries out in fear as the plane starts to dive towards the ground. Dean reaches up for his mask and secures it around his face. He then turns to check on his siblings but sees that their oxygen masks were the only ones that didn't drop down from the ceiling.
     "Dean!" Sam calls out worriedly.
     "Hey! Hey! They need oxygen!" Dean yells towards the flight attendants at the front of the plane. They all point and laugh at Dean as the older flight attendant's eyes flick to a marbled yellow color. Dean turns back and faces his sobbing siblings. "It's okay, you guys!"
     "Dean! Help me!" Allison screams and Sam reaches down to hold her hand. Dean fumbles with his seatbelt but it won't unlock, in fact, it's getting tighter.
     "Hey! Let me out of this goddamn thing!" Dean shouts, frantically looking back at his horrified brother and sister as he shakily tries to unlock his seatbelt. "I have to save them!"
     "You can't save them," John's voice growls over the intercom.
     "Dad?" Dean sobs.
     "Dean, you can't save them. They're already dead."
     Dean turns back around just in time to see the back half of the plane break off, taking his screaming siblings with it.
     "NO!" Dean screams as the plane continues to fall through the gray clouds.
     "They're dead and there's nothing you can do!" John's voice booms.
    "Sound familiar?!" Mary's voice rings in Dean's ears. Dean stares as the flight attendant morphs into his mother's mutilated, burning body.
     "My babies! They're gone!" Mary screeches, falling to the floor and turning to a pile of ash.
     Knots tie in Dean's stomach as he looks out the window and sees the plane quickly approaching the ocean. With a crash, the aircraft is submerged in the water and it all starts over.

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