
4.9K 69 2

Allison: 27
Dean: 36
Sam: 33

When Jack was born Allison stayed with Kelly and held her hand throughout the entire painful experience. Unfortunately, the blast of light and power from his birth had thrown Allison hard against the wall and knocked her unconscious. After realizing his mother was dead, Jack examined the girl.
     Blonde, soft hair. Fair skin and pink lips.
Jack didn't really know the full extent of that word but he did know that this girl was it. Jack gently touched her face with his hand. Dean and Sam came pounding up the stairs to find this. Dean drew his gun.
"What did you do to her you bastard?" Dean yelled.
"Dean, no!" Sam shouted. Jack cocked his head at the men and slowly stood up to meet their gaze.
     Like the girl, they also look nice. The angry man looks somewhat like the beautiful girl. The big, scared one looks different from those two, but he is still nice to look at. They must care about the beautiful girl.
     Do they think I hurt her?
Dean shot his gun and Jack instinctively jumped back, causing a force to hit Sam and Dean with an unthinkable amount of power. Jack looked down at his hands when he saw the men fall to the floor, unconscious. He then feverishly exited the room.
     I did hurt her.


Allison awakens with a throbbing head. She sighs and then looks up to see Dean and Sam slumped against the wall to her left.
"Sam? Dean?" She asks groggily and they slowly awaken. Once Dean realizes what's going on he jolts awake.
"Where is he?" He asks frantically.
"He's gone," Sam says.
"What? How? He's a baby," Allison says.
"He's actually like yea high and looks mid-twenties to me," Dean says, gesturing with his hands. Allison scrunches up her nose in confusion.
"We need to find him," Sam says.
"Before he hurts more people," Dean says.
"You scared him, Dean!" Sam says.
"He hurt Ally!" Dean yells.
"We don't know that!" Sam says. Dean scoffs and looks to Ally who is tenderly rubbing her head.
"Are you okay?" He rushes to her, pushing his anger aside.
"I'm fine, Dean," she says, getting up. "Let's find this guy."
"You're going to the bunker," Dean says.
"What?" Allison asks.
"No way in hell I'm letting you near Satan's son...again," Dean says. Allison looks to Dean to argue but she sees the fear and anger welling up in his eyes.
"Okay," she says and Sam looks at her head.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, let's just go," Allison says.


Much later, Allison hears the bunker door open and Dean comes storming down the stairs. Allison looks up from preparing dinner.
"Dean? What's happening?" Allison asks.
"Sammy's got a new best friend." Dean takes a beer from the fridge and leans up against the kitchen counter. Sam and Jack are not too far behind him, heading down the stairs.
"Hey, Allison. This is Jack," Sam says and Jack stares at Allison.
     The beautiful girl. I didn't see her eyes before. They were closed, but now they are open...big and round like Dean's. They are lovely pools of grey, blue and green with specks of gold gathering near the pupil. I didn't think someone could have—
"Take a picture it'll last longer," Dean says and Sam gives him a look.
"Sorry about him. I'm Allison," she says and holds out her hand.
"Hello. I am Jack," he says and holds her hand, not shaking it.
When Allison had pictured the spawn of Satan she definitely didn't picture the handsome young man that was standing in front of her right now. Allison smiles a brilliantly white and pretty smile, showing off her adorable cheeks. Jack smiles back.
     I like nougat and I like Allison.
"I'm making burgers and I don't mean to brag but they should be pretty good." Allison turns back to the stove. Sam smiles and shows Jack where he can sit. Allison serves everyone up and they start to eat.
"Really good, Al!" Dean says and Allison smiles.
"Really good, Al!" Jack copies, trying to get her to smile again. Allison giggles and looks to Sam who sighs. Jack smiles after making her laugh and Dean just glares at him.
After dinner, Sam and Dean clean up the kitchen and Allison heads to her room. She turns on Led Zeppelin III and sits on her bed reading. Jack wanders inside her room without her noticing. Allison looks up to see Jack standing at the foot of her bed, staring.
"Oh, my God!" She yelps, causing him to jump.
"I'm sorry—" he says, frowning because he scared her.
"You're okay. You just surprised me," Allison says, putting her book down. "You can sit with me if you'd like," she says with a hint of hesitation.
"Okay," Jack says, imitating how he has heard other people say it. They sit on her bed together and Jack just can't help himself from looking at her. "I have some nougat if you would like some," Jack offers.
"Sure," Allison says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a half eaten candy bar. Allison takes it with a smile and bites it.


"Where did the little creep go?" Dean asks as he finishes putting away the dishes. Sam glares at him and then looks around.
"Jack?" Sam looks around the corner and sees them in Allison's room, sharing the candy bar. Jack is beaming at Sam and Dean's little sister. Sam smiles to himself but before he can stop him, Dean comes around the corner and sees.
"Oh, hell no!" Dean goes in the room.
"Dean, calm down," Sam says.
"You're not gonna hook up with Satan's son!" Dean yells.
"What? He's my friend." Allison blushes. Jack's brow furrows.
"Stop making her feel bad," Jack says. Dean looks at him, full of rage.
"What did you just say to me?" Dean yells.
"Dean, stop!" Sam yells. Allison gets up off of the bed and puts herself in between them.
"Dean..." She says, locking eyes with him.
"I said to stop making her feel bad. She's upset. It seems like everyone is upset. Before you came in everyone was feeling okay," Jack says. Dean shoves Allison out of the way and rage starts to brew within Jack.
     He hurt her.
"Let's get one thing straight. Everything was okay until you showed up. Do you have any idea how many people died because of you?" Dean yells. Jack screams powerfully and then Dean is thrown into the wall with ultimate fury. Dean rolls over and clutches his side. Jack looks to Allison expecting perhaps a 'thank you' but she begins to cry. His pride begins to melt away instantly.
"Dean?!" She runs to his side and looks up at Sam and Jack. "Sammy? What did he do?" Allison asks looking back at an unconscious Dean. Sam, with wide eyes, looks to Jack and softens once he sees the boy's sadness.
"Jack, it's alright," Sam comforts.
"I hurt him," Jack says. Jack looks at the frightened Allison and then at his hands. Jack leaves the room and locks himself inside the bathroom. Sam comes over to Dean and Allison.
"He shouldn't have provoked him like that," Sam says lifting Dean up onto Allison's bed. Allison sighs and wipes away the few tears that had fallen. Sam hugs her.
"Hey, I'm sorry," he says.
"It's okay, I guess," Allison says.
"We'll figure this out. We always do." Sam says with a comforting smile.

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