Dean's Daughter

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This is a request from @chuckshurleyisgod

***Sawyer is her^ original character and she only exists for this part in my series, but check out @chuckshurleyisgod 's work if you want more Sawyer :D***

Allison: 11
Dean: 20
Sam: 17
*Sawyer: 4*

"Come here, munchkin." Dean coos and Sawyer runs to him as he gathers her in his arms and kisses her head.
"Daddy, are you leaving?" She asks, still hugging him tight.
"Only for a little while. Me and Uncle Sammy will be back soon." Dean smiles sadly at her. Her bottom lip pokes out and she looks down at her feet.
"Can you stay, please?" She asks. Dean holds back tears, remembering the days when Allison would ask him the same question.
"We're gonna have so much fun, Sawyer. I might even let you watch TV past your bedtime." Allison says with a smile.
"Ooh! Doesn't that sound awesome, Sammy?" Dean asks and elbows his brother.
"Definitely. But we need to get going." Sam says with a forced smile and Dean nods. He gives his daughter a final kiss and sends her over to her coloring books.
"You sure you'll be okay, Al?" Dean asks.
"Yes, Dean. We'll be fine." Allison smiles. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" She says and Dean sighs.
"He'll be fine." Sam grins.
"Call if you need anything." Dean hugs his sister. "Call Dad if we aren't back in 3 days." Dean says in a low voice.
"Dad hasn't been answering lately..." Allison says quietly.
"Then call Bobby, he'll help you." Dean instructs.
"But I won't need to call anybody...because you guys will be fine, right?" Allison asks hesitantly. The brothers nod and say goodbye to their sister. Allison watches the Impala pull out of the parking lot and head towards the interstate.
Soon, I'll go with them on hunts and I won't be stuck babysitting...but then who'll watch Sawyer?
Allison sighs and approaches her niece.
"What are you drawing?" Allison asks.
"Our family." Sawyer says with a toothy grin. Allison looks at the picture and smiles.
It's really bad.
"It's so good!" Allison exclaims and Sawyer giggles.
"I'm gonna be an artist one day." Sawyer says, her green eyes sparkling.
"Wow, that's awesome." Allison says.
"I'll make a lot of money and buy Daddy a cool car and Uncle Sammy a dog and you can host your own cooking show..." Sawyer rambles.
"And what will you get for yourself?" Allison asks.
"More colored pencils." Sawyer continues to draw and hums "Yellow Submarine" under her breath. Allison grins at her adorable niece. As Sawyer keeps drawing Allison notices her yawn a few times.
"I really hope they come back soon." Sawyer says and rubs her eyes sleepily.
"They will, I promise. But how about we get you to bed?" Allison suggests with a warm smile.
"Otay..." Sawyer yawns and reaches for Allison to pick her up. Allison tucks her niece into bed and plays with the girl's soft brown hair, just as Dean does.
"Goodnight." Allison whispers and turns out the light.
"Goodnight." Sawyer mumbles and closes her eyes. Soon Allison's eyes close as well and she falls asleep beside Sawyer.


Allison awakens to a cold breeze blowing across her face. She opens her eyes and looks to see the motel door standing wide open with the January wind blowing inside.
I forgot to lock the door...but who opened it?
Allison looks down to her side but Sawyer isn't there. Allison jumps up and searches around the room, her heart pounding.
"Oh no no no no..." Allison runs her fingers through her blonde hair worriedly. Suddenly she takes a harsh blow to the head and is knocked unconscious.


"I can't wait to see them." Dean says as he grips the wheel excitedly.
"Me too. They'll be glad the hunt only took a day." Sam chuckles and points at the motel so Dean knows to turn. The Impala rolls into the parking lot and Dean frowns at the open door.
"Is that our room?" Dean asks and Sam nods. The brothers get out of the car and run into the room. Both Allison and Sawyer are missing.
"Where are they?" Dean yells.
"I don't know..." Sam says, scared.
"Dammit!" Dean says and runs his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.
"The lamp is broken." Sam notes and shudders.
"They were taken."


"Sawyer?" Allison groans as she wakes up with an aching head. She looks and sees her niece, barely conscious, also shackled to a wall. The girls are in a dingy basement of some sort; torture devices hang on the wall. "Jesus..." Allison trails off.
"Where are we, Auntie Allison?" She asks sadly.
"I don't know." Allison says.
"I'm scared." Sawyer sobs.
"Me too, but we'll be okay." Allison responds. A door creaks open and a group of people enter.
"Oh, you're awake." Says a woman with a lethal look in her eye.
"What are we doing here?" Allison asks. "We're just kids. Don't hurt us."
"Is that what the Winchesters considered when they killed half of our family?" She says. "No, no they didn't."
"W-what's going on?" Sawyer cries. "I want my Daddy." The monsters laugh.
"You ain't seen nothin' yet, honey." A man laughs and takes a knife off of the wall.
"Don't hurt her! She's just a kid I was babysitting for some extra cash, my family barely knows her!" Allison lies.
"Auntie Allison, who are these people?" Sawyer sobs.
"Ah. So the chubby girl must be their sister and the little one is the older guy's daughter." A monster remarks and Allison's heart sinks as her plan is ruined.
"It's payback time. Let's get started." The woman says as her friend hands her a knife.


"Dad will be here any minute." Dean says, closing his flip phone.
"Is he pissed?" Sam asks.
"No. Just scared." Dean says, sitting on the bed.
"I'm scared too." Sam says and Dean nods. They sit in silence until John enters the room.
"Hey, boys." John says embracing his sons. "It'll be okay, guys. I promise." He says and pats Dean's shoulder.
"We think that some ghouls took them." Sam says.
"I thought we killed them all but there must've been more." Dean sighs.
"So it's a revenge sort of deal?" John asks.
"That's what we think." Dean says.
"Well, it's a start. Let's head out." John says motioning towards the door. Sam leaves the room and John starts out the door but Dean stops him.
"Thanks Dad, for uh, helping. They took Ally and my little girl...nobody gets away with that. I just can't lose my baby girl." Dean says, tears welling up in his eyes.
"My baby girl is out there too, Dean. We'll find them. My life depends on it."


"Who should we cut into first? The lil baby? Or lil sis?" The woman says evilly.
"Just let us go." Allison says, tears streaming down her face.
"I think I'd like to hear what the little one sounds like when she's begging for her life!" The creature shouts and approaches Sawyer.
"No!" Allison screams as the knife cuts into Sawyer's arm. Sawyer sobs painfully as blood trickles down her arm. "Leave her alone!" Allison yells. A monster approaches Allison and starts to choke her.
"Shut up, butterball." He spits in her face. Allison sputters and gasps for breath. Suddenly Sam comes up from behind the creature and decapitates it. Allison wheezes and coughs as Sam releases her from her chains. Dean kills the monster that was torturing Sawyer, wraps up Sawyer's arm in a piece of cloth and gathers his little girl in a hug. John kills the 2 other monsters and runs to his daughter.
"Shh...Daddy's got you." Dean says and strokes his daughter's head.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" John asks and hugs Allison.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Allison says and embraces her Dad. The two fathers hold their daughters tight, never wanting to lose them again.
"Let's go." Dean sighs and picks up Sawyer. Sawyer sucks her thumb and settles into Dean's chest. Sam puts his arm around Allison and they all follow John out of the basement, happy to be together again.

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