Family Reunion

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This is a request from @AbbeyRae04 that's based off of S14E13 when Dean's wish comes true.
(FYI this one is pretty long and references several plot points in the previous chapter)
Enjoy :)

Allison: 28
Dean: 37
Sam: 34

"So, how does this thing work exactly?" Dean asks, holding up the enchanted pearl.
"I dunno. I guess just concentrate on what your heart desires." Sam says with a shrug.
"Michael outta my head." Dean says and Allison nods.
"Got it." Dean says, clutching the tiny pearl in his hand. Dean closes his eyes tight. The bunker's lights begin to flicker, causing the Winchesters to look around. Sam spots a dark figure approaching them and draws his gun. The figure knocks the gun out of Sam's hands and pushes him to the ground. Allison runs to her room to get a gun while the boys buy her some time. Yet, before Dean can move very far, the figure punches him in the face and knocks him to the ground. The dark figure picks up Sam's gun and points it at the boys.
"Don't you move." A gruff voice says. The lights of the bunker flick back on and Sam and Dean stare at the man before them.
"Drop the gun!" Allison yells, pointing a gun at the mystery man. "I said drop it or I'll shoot!"
"Ally..." Dean says quietly. The man slowly turns around to face Allison.
"Dad?" Allison barely chokes out, letting go of her grip on the gun. Allison walks over by her brothers, not really knowing what to do.
"Oh, my—Allison you're...okay! And Sam, why aren't you back in Palo Alto? W-what's going on?" John asks, looking at his children who seem to have aged 10 years overnight.
"What year is it?" Dean asks.
"2006." John says.
"It's 2019." Sam says.
"No. How?" John says, shocked.
"We—uh—I think we...summoned you." Sam says, looking to Dean.
"Wow. What happened to you guys?" John laughs sadly and they smile.
"Hunting." Dean says.
"A few apocalypses." Sam says.
"You know, life." Allison says and they laugh.
"I-I don't know what to say." John says, tears in his eyes. He approaches Allison and wraps her up in a big hug. "You're really okay."
"Daddy." Allison breathes in the scent of his leather jacket. John pulls away and looks at her.
"I mean, you couldn't even give me a smile when I left, let alone walk or talk. Oh, God, Ally." John says, hugging her again. "And you're so beautiful." John says, brushing away a tear that falls down her cheek. John turns to his sons and smiles.
"Dad." Sam says and goes in for a hug.
"Oh, Sammy." John hugs his son. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Dad." Sam says. John pulls away and pats Sam on the shoulder.
"Dean—" John starts but Dean interrupts him with a hug. "I missed you, son."
"I missed you too, Dad." Dean says as they pull apart.
"So, what'd I miss?" John says with a grin.


"You saved the world?" John asks, sipping his whiskey.
"More than once." Dean says with a chuckle.
"Then it's all true. God, the devil, you kids smack in the middle. And now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and Lucifer's kid."
"Yeah." They say in unison.
"And Gabriel, the archangel, healed Allison?" John says confusedly.
"That's what we think because I'm his true vessel but he never said—" Allison says.
"Wait. Go back. True vessel?" John asks.
"Yeah, so when an angel possesses a body its most...comfortable in its 'true vessel.'" Allison says.
"So you're Gabriel's true vessel?" John asks and Allison nods.
"And I'm Lucifer's vessel." Sam says.
"And I'm Michael's." Dean sighs. "That's why he's hitching a ride up here at the moment." Dean says, pointing to his head.
"Wow. And you've done this whole time travel thing before?" John asks.
"A few times. Actually, uh, our grandfather, your dad—he's the one who helped us find this place. I think he'd be real happy to know you're finally here." Dean says.
"Right. Man of Letters." John says.
"Yeah. W-We're legacies...because of you." Sam says, raising his glass to John. They clink glasses and drink. John sighs and looks at Allison.
"Dad, you keep looking at me like I'm gonna explode." Allison says with a chuckle.
"No, sorry. It's just, you look so much like my Mary." John says with a laugh, tears welling up in his eyes. The siblings look to each other. They forgot to tell him about Mary.
"Dad—" Dean starts.
"Guys? I don't know if you ate but I brought some—" Mary says as she enters the kitchen.
"Mary?" John gasps and starts to cry. Mary looks to her kids and then to her husband. John gets up and embraces Mary. They lock lips and run their fingers through each other's hair. Sam, Dean and Allison look to each other and silently exit the room.
"Wow. It's Dad. This is amazing, man. I—I'm freaking out." Dean says happily as they walk down the hallway.
"Yeah, I know. But, Dean, listen." Sam says.
"What? What?" Dean says, not liking Sam's tone.
"How did this happen?" Sam asks and Allison shrugs.
"I don't know. You said that th-the pearl gives you what your heart desires, right? I mean, I—I've wanted this, man. I've wanted this since I was 9 years old." Dean says.
"Okay, I know, and I-I love this, too, Dean. I do, honestly, but messing with time—"
"Sam—" Allison interjects.
"You guys know how this ends. Things change." Sam says sadly.
"Yeah, great—we got our family back together. I'll take that change." Dean says and Allison nods.
"That's not what I mean. It's just a little selfish to say that—" Sam sighs.
"Sam, just stop. You know, y-you and Dean, you guys got to have little moments together as a family, but I never got that. Can we just have one family dinner? Just one? Us—all of us together. That's all I want. That's all I've ever really wanted. Can you just give me that?" Allison says, tears welling up in her eyes. Dean looks at Sam and Sam sighs.
"Yeah, okay. Sorry, Al." Sam says after a moment. Allison walks away from her brothers and heads inside her room. With a shake of his head, Dean leaves Sam standing alone in the hallway.

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