First Date

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Allison: 15
Dean: 24
Sam: 21

A request from @Flowerchild3105

"Whatcha reading?" A voice asks from behind Allison. Allison looks up from her book and turns to see a cute boy around her age smiling at her.
"Uh—nothing." Allison says, blushing a little as she closes the lore book. She didn't think the local library was a place to meet boys.
"Very suspicious. I might have to ask you to leave, Miss." He says sitting down in the seat across from her.
"You work here?" Allison asks.
"Yes. I'm one of the higher ups at this establishment." He jokes, showing his ID badge that reads: Volunteer, Floor 4.
"Huh." Allison smiles meekly. This is the first time someone has flirted with Allison (other than creepy cops or drunks the Winchesters run into on various cases.) Allison feels the boy's eyes admiring her face.
"I'm Graham, by the way. What's your name?" He smiles and she looks up at him. Graham's sandy colored hair pairs nicely with his deep brown eyes and lightly freckled ski-jump nose. "Your name?"
"Oh. Sorry. Allison, I'm Allison." She says.
"Well, you're very pretty Allison." Graham smiles as the girl blushes. "Hypothetically, what would you say if I asked you out on a date?"
"Hypothetically?" She grins and he nods. "Well, hypothetically I'd say that I have two very protective older brothers that probably wouldn't warm up to that idea."
"Do they have to know?" He asks and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Allison's phone rings and she answers it quietly.
"Hey, Dean. Yeah? Okay, lemme see." Allison flips through the lore book quickly. "You're gonna need some salt and uh put that on a high heat until it burns off. No problem." Allison says awkwardly and then hangs up.
"Your brothers?" He asks.
"Yeah. They're cooking...something." She says.
"Hm. Well, they seem busy enough, so maybe you could grab a burger with me." He smiles, showing off his dimples.
"I think I'm done here. So, sure."


"This place is fantastic. You're gonna love it." Graham says as he opens the door for her.
"You barely know me." Allison laughs.
"I guess that's true but I think everyone likes this place. Best diner in town." He blushes. The two teens sit down in a booth and order two burgers and root beers.
"So, do you take all of your dates here?" Allison asks.
"Oh, yeah! We should actually hurry up, I have another girl coming in 10 minutes." He jokes and Allison laughs. "To be honest with you, I don't really do this too much. Frankly, you're the most beautiful girl I've seen in a long time and I just couldn't pass that up." He says, causing Allison's face to grow a few shades pinker.
"I like the music." Allison says awkwardly after a pause.
"The Rolling Stones? Good taste." He notes and flashes her his charming smile.
"Here you go, kiddos." The waitress sets down their meals and bustles away. Allison bites into her burger and grins.
"It's really good." She says with a mouthful and Graham laughs.
"I have never seen a pretty girl eat like that." He says and Allison blushes, embarrassed. "No, no. I'm sorry. I dig it." Graham says and motions her to keep eating. Allison's phone buzzes.

Sam: Hey Ally! Finished the hunt, grabbing a bite. On our way to the library to get you now.

Allison quickly responds with:

Oh, it's no big deal. I'm really into a book I'm reading. Can you get me some fries to go? I'll see you back at the hotel.

The two teens finish their burgers in silence and Allison sips her drink.
"W-why do you um say things like that?" Allison asks timidly.
"Like what?" Graham asks.
"'You're so pretty' and all that." Allison says, looking down.
"Because you are. Why are you so shocked by it?" He asks.
"I guess I'm not used to it. In the past, boys haven't really...liked me." She says.
"Balderdash!" Graham yells in an old timey voice. "Them folks are missin' out, little lady." This causes Allison to burst into a fit of giggles.
"Extra! Extra! Read awl about it! I's gots a date with the prettiest goyl in town!" He chants.
"Graham, stop!" She laughs but he continues.
"Ya hear? Prettiest goyl!" He bellows, turning some heads in the loud diner. "And she doesn't even know it!"
"Seriously, stop." Allison says, suddenly hiding behind her menu.
"I'm sorry. I was just joking." He says, a little crushed.
"No, it's not you. My brothers just walked in." She whispers.


"Oh, that awesome diner smell!" Dean says as the brothers enter a diner and Sam laughs, looking around. "Let's sit here." Dean plops down but something catches Sam's eye.
Ally has those same boots...and pants...and jacket...and hair? Oh, God. There's a boy with her.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Sammy? Take a seat." Dean asks, still looking at the menu. "Sammy?" Dean looks up and also stares. "Is that my baby sister? On a date?" Dean scowls and starts to walk over.
"Dean, wait." Sam starts after him.
"Did they see me?" Allison mumbles.
"I think they're coming over here." Graham says.
"Oh, Jesus." She says, dropping the menu.
"Allison, what the hell is going on?" Dean asks.
"Dean, please." She whispers.
"You must be the book she's really into!" Dean says to a frightened Graham. "I guess I'm just a little confused because I thought you two would be at the library." He fumes. "How old are you anyways?"
"17." He says meekly.
"17?" Allison asks, pleasantly surprised and Graham nods.
"17?" Sam asks, crossing his arms over his chest with an inquisitive eye to Allison.
"17?! What are you doing sniffing around my 15 year old sister?" Dean yells, turning a few heads in the diner.
"Sir, if I may interje—" Graham starts.
"No, you can't because we're leaving." Dean says and grabs Allison's arm.
"Bye, I guess. Thanks for the burger and the great time." She says as she's dragged out by Dean. Sam takes her jacket from the seat and glares at Graham, causing him to shrink down even more.
"Dean, let me go!" Allison yells in the parking lot.
"Get in the car." He says, opening the car door.
"No." Allison says. "I like him. He's funny and nice to me."
"Allison, get in the car." Dean says, full of rage. Allison looks to Sam.
"Allison, come on." Sam sighs. She huffs in frustration and gets in the car. The brothers look to each other and enter the car. Dean starts the Impala and they drive.
"I just can't believe you lied." Dean scoffs.
"What was I supposed to do? 'Oh hey guys! On a date! See ya later!'?" Allison asks.
"Don't sass me." Dean says, glaring in the rear view mirror.
"Then stop acting like Dad! Just because he's not here, doesn't mean you need to step up and boss me around, Dean!" Allison yells.
"I swear to God, Al. You are so ungrateful! Do you even realize how much I do for the family? For you?" Dean yells, pulling into the parking lot of the motel.
"Gee willickers Dean, my life is just dandy! I'm so happy you watch my every single move and force me to do busy work for all the hunts an—" Allison says in a singsong voice.
"That's enough! Stop being an ungrateful brat and just say you're sorry. You lied, so suck it up, Al." Sam says bluntly and Dean smiles slightly. Allison's eyes are wide with shock. She sighs and looks down in her lap.
"I'm sorry." She says quietly, after a beat.
"Was that so hard, baby?" Dean jeers.
"Shut the hell up." She says with an eye roll. The brothers lightly chuckle as she gets out of the Impala and slams the door behind her.

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