Swap Meat

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This is based off of Season 5 Episode 12 and is a request from @PhoebeAndWrench77

Allison: 19
Dean: 28
Sam: 25

"Chili dog with a side of onion rings, a double bacon cheeseburger and a...Health-Quake salad shake?" The teen asks from behind the fast food counter.
"Sounds about right." Dean says, handing him $20.
"Get fries." Allison says and Dean nods.
"And fries." Dean says, smiling at the kid behind the counter. He doesn't seem to hear Dean; he's too busy staring at Allison. "Hey, kid. Fries." Dean says.
"Oh, sorry." He blushes and feverishly types it into the register. "That'll be $17.42." He says and hands Dean the receipt, seemingly mesmerized by Allison.
"Jesus Christ..." Dean grumbles and walks back towards their table. The young employee's eyes follow Allison all the way to her seat.
"It seems like the average poltergeist—I just don't think it could be anything else." Sam says, barely looking up from his laptop.
"Easy enough." Allison says. The employee approaches their table with a tray of their food.
"Here's your food." He says as he sets it down.
"Thanks, kid." Dean says as Allison and Sam smile thankfully, yet the employee lingers.
"Can I get you anything else?" He asks Allison and Sam looks to the kid skeptically.
"Keep it in your pants, Gary." Dean says after looking at his name tag.
"Dean!" Allison says, hitting him on the shoulder. Gary looks bewildered for a moment and then scurries away.
"I didn't like the way he was looking at you." Dean says, biting into his burger.
"I second that." Sam says, starting to shake his salad.
"He's just a horny teenage boy. Creepy, yes, but completely harmless." Allison says and her brothers shrug. From behind the counter Gary can't help but stare at not only Allison, but all of the Winchesters.
I got them.


"Dean, I'm starting to get worried. Sam's been gone for over two hours." Allison says, looking at the motel room clock.
"I don't know what you want me to do, Al." Dean says.
"He's not answering his phone?" Allison asks again.
"No, he won't—" Dean starts.
"Oh, uh, hey guys!" Sam says as he enters the room.
"What the hell, Sammy?" Allison crosses her arm over her chest.
"It's been two hours!" Dean says.
"Sorry, I guess I lost track of time. I brought food though." He says, grinning. "Chili dog with onion rings and a double bacon cheeseburger?" The siblings gladly accept the food but they both give Sam a weird look.
"What? Thought you'd be hungry." Sam shrugs.
"I'm pretty thirsty, you wanna get a beer?" Dean asks after finishing his burger.
"Oh, geez. I mean, yeah, I totally would like alcohol." Sam says awkwardly.
"Okay, lets go." Dean says, glancing at Allison.
"Is uh A-Allison not coming?" Sam says, blushing.
"I mean, I will if you guys wanna buy me a drink." Allison laughs.
"Yeah, nice try. What the hell is wrong with you, man?" Dean laughs, hitting his shoulder.
"Sorry, I guess I forgot. It's probably for the better, your boyfriend probably wouldn't want you out in some random bar." Sam chuckles awkwardly.
"Boyfriend?!" Dean looks to Allison.
"Sam? What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend!" Allison says.
"Aw, yes!" Sam nods his head excitedly and then tones it down. "Just checking. It was just a test. Heh."
"Okay, Sammy. You need a drink."


"Lotsa girls here tonight. Whaddya say, Sammy? How bout we find some twins to take home?" Dean says, now very tipsy.
"I dunno. None of them are as pretty as Allison." Sam says glumly.
"What the hell, Sam?" Dean looks at him.
"Kidding." Sam laughs nervously and sips his beer.


"So, Sam went home with some cougar." Dean says, barging into the motel room.
"Wait, what?" Allison laughs, shutting off the television.
"Some lady hit on him and he barely even blinked before hopping in her car." Dean says. "He's been acting so weird since he got home." He says and shakes his head, sitting down on the bed.
"I don't know what's wrong with him. Is it near the anniversary of—" Allison starts.
"No, she died in November...and it's not like that kind of weird, it's like he's someone else." Dean says.
"Maybe he is." Allison shrugs.


"Hello?" Sam calls out as he enters the motel room. He looks and sees Allison lying, asleep, in bed. Sam puts down his things and dials a number into his phone.
"Hey, yeah. I know. No, I haven't done it yet. I kinda like this life, Trevor. Yeah, I know I have to kill them. I'll get to it, okay?" Sam says to the person on the phone and looks to Allison. "I'll do it, don't worry. Meet you there at 11:30pm." A gun cocks and is pressed against Sam's head.
"Who the hell are you and where is Sam?" Dean growls. Sam turns to leave but Allison now holds a knife to his throat.
"My name is G-Gary. Please don't hurt me." He sobs.
"Gary? Gary from Burger Town?" Dean says.
"Yeah..." Gary sighs.
"Jesus." Allison groans. The door suddenly crashes in and a demon appears.
"Hello, Winchesters!" She says and slams them up against the wall.
"Nora?!" Gary exclaims.
"Not at the moment." The demon grins.
"Gary, what did you do?" Dean groans.
"I-I dunno!" He says and tries to run but the demon stops him.
"Come here, Gare-Bear. You deserve a prize for giving me all three Winchesters at once, don't ya?" She says.
"Uh, yeah, I guess." He chuckles.
"Don't listen to her, Gary." Allison groans.
"What'll it be, Gary? Money, girls, fame?" The demon draws out.
"I wanna be a powerful witch." Gary says.
"Good choice!" She says.
"And I want...Allison Winchester to fall in love with me." He says shyly.
"Creep." Dean says.
"Let's not get greedy, Gary. I need her dead." The demon says and starts to strangle Allison. Gary worriedly looks to Allison who is struggling to breathe.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus—" Gary starts but is cut off by the demon throwing him against the wall.
"Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio—" Dean continues. Then, together, Gary and Dean finish exorcising the demon.
"Wow...that was awesome!" Gary says.
"Yeah, yeah. You got your kicks. Now, let's get our brother back."


"It's good to be back." Sam sighs, back in his own body.
"I wish I could say the same." Gary sighs, looking in the motel mirror.
"So, Gary, do you wanna know what's stopping me from killing you right now?" Dean asks.
"Sure." Gary's voice cracks.
"While you're the little shit that got us into this mess, you did the right thing in the end...but no more of this witch crap; okay, kid?" Dean says.
"Okay." He says.
"And Gary?" Allison says.
"Yuh-yes?" He stammers, already blushing.
"I'm really flattered but I'm not interested. At all." Allison says.
"Really? May I ask why?" He inquires.
"Do you really need to?" Allison sighs. They all walk out to the Impala and drive Gary and Nora home.
"Thanks and...sorry." Gary says to Sam and starts walking away. Sam gets out of the car and stops him.
"Hey, Gary! Lighten up, man. Your life is pretty good and if you weren't so focused on how much it sucks, maybe you'd see the good things." Sam says and looks to Nora who stands on the front stoop.
"What? Nora?" He says quietly.
"She doesn't like witchcraft, dude. She likes you." Sam says.
"I dunno." He says.
"Go for it, man." Sam says and Gary walks away.
"That was nice, Sam." Allison says.
"Yeah. I kind of lied. That kid's life really sucks." Sam says with a shrug.

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