Paging Dr. Allison

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Allison: 13
Dean: 22
Sam: 19

Request from @AbbeyRae04
Enjoy :)

Allison turns off the TV when she hears the Impala's door slam.
"Thank God." She utters and rushes to the motel door. Dean opens the door and happens to be limping.
"What happened?" Allison asks, wildly concerned.
"Werewolves are jerks." Dean grunts and sits down on the bed. Allison closes the door as Dean takes off his shirt and winces. A gaping cut from werewolf claws marks Dean's back.
"Oh, my God! That's like a huge cut, Dean...we should go to the hospital." Allison says, grabbing her coat.
"No, it's fine, Al. You can just sew it up." Dean says, lying on his stomach on the cheap double bed.
"No, I can't!" She says putting her coat down. "Sam always does this crap." She says, starting to pace. "And sometimes even dad, but never me."
"Well they're not here, Ally." Dean sighs. "It's just you and me, baby."
"Jesus." Allison sighs and goes to the first aid kit John keeps in the trunk of the Impala. She reenters the room and Dean grins at her.
"It's cute how nervous you are." Dean says.
"Screw you, Dean. I don't wanna do this." She says, washing her hands.
"You'll be fine." He groans.
"I don't even know where to start." She sighs, opening the scarcely packed first aid kit.
"Start with handing me that whiskey." Dean says and Allison hands it to him. He takes a big swig and smiles. "Off to a good start."
"Dean, it's really bad. I don't think—" Allison says, her voice wavering.
"Hey, baby girl, you're gonna be fine. I'll talk you through it." Dean says. "First, we'll clean the wound." Dean pours the whiskey on his back and screams. "Okay, done." He groans and Allison giggles, which makes Dean smile. "Now, loop the fishing line through the needle and then clean that." Allison does so and nods to Dean. "Okay, now run it from the outside through the entire layer of skin, then across the cut, back through the other side, bottom to top and out." He says slowly and Allison grimaces.
"Hey, you got this." Dean smiles at her and Allison breathes deep. "If it makes you feel better, you'll either do great or mess up...but in that case, at least I'll have a cool scar." Dean says.
"Win-win." Allison says sarcastically and Dean laughs. Allison starts to stitch Dean's skin together. Dean represses his pained screams throughout the process so he doesn't scare his sister. She finishes with a square knot at the end of the cut. "I think I did it." She sighs. "But I also have no clue." She then places a bandage on top of the cut.
"It's perfect." Dean says. "Seriously, Al, you did great." He sits up next to her on the bed and kisses her forehead.
"I should've gone with you." Allison says, looking to him with big puppy dog eyes.
"Nah, then you couldn't have saved me, Nurse Allison." He jokes.
"It's Doctor." Allison grins and he lightly tickles her side.
"I didn't want you getting hurt." Dean says quietly, after a pause.
"You have to get over that. If I'm ever going to be a real part of the team, I need to actually hunt, even without Dad." Allison says with a smile.
"I know." Dean sighs. "I know."
"I think you just love me too much." Allison says with an adorable grin.
"Impossible." Dean says, putting his good arm around her.

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