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Allison: 17
Dean: 26
Sam: 23

"Wakey, wakey, Dean."
Dean's eyes open and he realizes that he has been captured and is restrained in a cold cement room. Dean slowly meets the gaze of a familiar demon.
"Alastair." He growls.
"You know, I've been waiting for this moment ever since our little run-in a few months back, Dean. Hm? Remember that? When you tortured me?" Alastair grins and punches Dean in the jaw.
"I remember that I had you screaming like a little girl." Dean says and spits out blood at the demon's feet.
"Very funny, Dean." The demon says as he approaches his table of torture devices. Alastair picks up a knife and approaches the man. "When I fantasized about this day in the deepest pits of hell..." Alastair starts.
"Kinky." Dean says sarcastically and Alastair glares at him.
"I not only thought about what would make Dean Winchester scream but what would make him beg for mercy..." Alastair says.
"Sounds fun." Dean taunts.
"You'll lose that smug look any second now, Dean." Alastair says coolly. The door to the room opens and both Sam and Allison are being dragged in by two demons, gagged and bound. Dean scowls at the demon.
"Why the long face, Dean?" Alastair grins at him. Alastair approaches Sam and removes his gag as the other demons leave.
"Sam Winchester. Long time, no see." He says and cocks his head at the handsome young man.
"Bite me." Sam growls and Alastair tisks his tongue at him. Alastair looks to Allison, kneels down to her eye level and grins.
"Hello, Allison. I hope you're doing well. As much as I'd love to catch up with you, I think I'll keep you gagged. I like how you look with it, kinda gets me off." Alastair turns to smile at Dean.
"Leave them alone." Dean says.
"I'm just getting started." Alastair says and stabs his knife into Sam's thigh, causing Sam to emit an agonized scream. Dean struggles against his restraints. "Hope you don't mind holding that for me, Sam." Alastair grins. Sam breathes heavily and Dean sadly looks to his brother. "Ready for more?" Alastair asks. "Or is it sweet little Allison's turn?"
"Don't touch her." Sam groans. Alastair grabs her face and smiles.
"You really are a pretty little thing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to this." Alastair says as he starts to unbutton Allison's shirt.
"Alastair, don't." Sam says shakily.
"I swear to God, you son of a bitch! Leave her alone!" Dean yells.
"Boys, I haven't even done anything yet." He grins and finishes taking off Allison's shirt. Allison looks away, frightfully embarrassed as her bra is now exposed. Alastair goes to his table and heats up a metal rod with a blowtorch, causing Allison to utter a muffled scream behind her gag. Dean clenches his jaw and struggles mightily against his restraints while Sam looks to his little sister with worry.
"This'll be fun." Alastair says as he approaches the girl. "Is it hot in here or is it just you?" He sneers as he prods her bare stomach with the red hot rod. Allison's green eyes roll back in her head as she sharply inhales; the pain is too much to scream.
"Stop it! Please!" Dean yells, tears streaming down his face as Allison falls to the ground, shaking.
"What was that?" Alastair asks, skipping over to Dean.
"Just don't hurt them anymore. You can stab me, skin me, even kill me. Just don't hurt them." Dean says, exhausted.
"But Dean, that wouldn't be any fun." Alastair whispers in his ear. Sam comforts Allison as she writhes in pain on the floor.
"Al, you're gonna be okay." Sam coos and holds back tears. He looks up to see Alastair approaching them again.
"Ready for Round 2?" Alastair jeers.
"Just stop! We haven't done anything!" Sam yells, trying to protect his wounded sister.
"Yes, but Dean isn't so innocent. Sorry, Sam." Alastair pulls the knife out of Sam's leg.
"No no no no no!" Sam yells as Alastair plunges the knife into his other leg.
"Oh, Sammy, I'm sorry." Dean cries.
"Don't worry, Dean. He won't last much longer. I'd give him 10 minutes before he bleeds out." Alastair says with a smile. "Just enough time for some more fun with Allison." Alastair removes her gag and grins. "I want to hear you scream for this one." He says as he approaches his table of tools.
"I'll rip your throat out if you touch her one more time." Dean yells. Sam sighs heavily and starts to close his eyes.
"Stay with me, Sam." Allison nudges her brother. "Please don't die."
"This is called the Breast-Ripper. Designed just for the torture of women back in my day." Alastair says as he holds up a sharply pointed metal claw.
"Oh, God." Allison says and starts to cry.
"Aw. Dean, aren't you gonna help her?" Alastair says to him. Dean's head hangs low, he can't bear to watch. Alastair removes Allison's bra with a flick of a knife and smiles at her ample breasts.
"Please don't." Allison begs. Alastair grins at her and brings the torture device closer.
"Don't do it...she's my kid sister. She means everything to me. I'm begging you, Alastair, please don't!" Dean sobs as Castiel breaks in through the door, causing Alastair to roll his eyes.
"This again?" He says as Castiel approaches him and grips his shoulder tight. He places his hand on the demon's forehead and sends him back to hell.
"See you soon, Dean." Alastair says with a smirk and then he is gone. Castiel runs to Dean and removes his restraints.
"Thank you, Cas." He says and runs to his siblings. "Oh, Sammy. Wake up, please wake up." Dean shakes him.
"Dean, let me fix him." Castiel says and heals his legs. Sam's eyes slowly open and he smiles.
"Thanks, Cas." He says, relieved. Dean unties Sam and hugs his brother. Castiel sadly cocks his head at Allison and rushes to untie her. She grabs her shirt and quickly covers her breasts.
"What did he do to you?" Castiel growls.
"Nothing." Allison says and wipes her tears. Castiel looks to the ground and sees the metal rod.
"He burned you. Let me see." Castiel says as Allison lifts up her shirt, revealing her burned stomach. "I can fix it." Castiel offers a warm smile as his hand gently grazes her soft and slender stomach.
"Thank you, Cas." Allison says and hugs the angel. She finishes putting on her shirt and approaches her brothers.
"I'm so sorry, you guys." Dean says sadly.
"It's fine, Dean. We're all okay." Allison says.
"Thanks to Castiel." Sam says and motions him to come over. They all embrace each other warmly. After he realizes that they are all truly safe, Dean smiles and hugs them even tighter.
"Thank you."

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