What a Dick...

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Allison: 18
Dean: 27
Sam: 24

     Dean slices the head off of a leviathan while Allison douses it in dish soap.
     "Guys, there are more!" Sam warns, readying himself for more decapititations. Dean and Allison look up and see a herd of the creatures in business attire marching towards them. Allison's jaw drops and Dean's eyes widen as Sam slowly backs up towards his siblings. The leviathan all grin at the outnumbered humans in the empty warehouse.
     "We need to go!" Sam says and they turn to leave but find that they are completely surrounded. Allison looks to her older brothers, scared witless. Dean grabs her arm and places her in between him and Sam.
     "This way!" Sam yells and leads them towards what seems to be the only exit. They run towards the door as the leviathan close in around them. One of them grabs Dean and takes him to the ground.
     "Dean!" Allison yells and Sam stops in his tracks. Allison starts to cry and reaches out towards Dean as he is dragged away. Sam shudders but suddenly snaps out of his brief paralysis. He puts his arms around Allison and attempts to shield her from the monsters that surround the siblings.
     "Sammy!" Dean cries out desperately, watching as two leviathan suddenly rip Sam away from Allison. Allison stands alone, utterly panicked.
     "Ally, run!" Sam yells as the leviathan take him to the ground. Allison runs towards the door behind her and quickly looks back at her brothers. The monsters aren't eating them; they only seem to be interested in something else: her. The leviathan grab at her and tug her hair ruthlessly. Then, it all goes black.


Allison awakes in a nicely furnished room on a leather couch. She soon realizes that it's a room from some sort of swanky office building. She looks to a table full of food. Allison attempts to stand but is stopped by the binding around her slim waist.
"Hello?" She calls out.
"Hello," Dick Roman says, emerging out the shadows of the dim lit room. Allison's body tenses at the sight of him—she'd seen him on TV but never in person.
"Aw. I'm not that bad, am I?" He walks towards her. "Sorry for the inconvenience but it'll all be over soon, sweetheart." Dick grins at her, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear.
"Why am I here?" Allison growls.
"Every hero-villain story needs a little bait! And you are it!" Dick boops her nose. "However, in this story, the villain is going to come out on top...Winchesters go bye-bye!" He says and kneels down at her eye level condescendingly.
Dick looks her up and down and then licks his lips, causing Allison to turn her face away from him. Allison then sees two other leviathan standing at the door.
"I guess we can untie you. If that's alright?" He says sarcastically. Allison glares at him and he motions to one of the guards to untie her.
"You hungry?" He grins at her and gestures to the food but Allison stays put. "Oh, come on! A growing girl like yourself has gotta be hungry!" He smiles and helps her up from the couch. His hand travels to her lower back and then to her wide hips.
"Take a look boys! Great breeding material, huh? We don't want those humans coming out all waif-like," Dick says with a lethal grin. Allison squirms out of his clutch and backs up away from him. Dick smiles at her.
"Such a cute little creature! You're so afraid!" Dick laughs and walks over to her as she moves behind the table to distance herself.
"Get away from me, creep," Allison says.
"It really is adorable, guys." Dick laughs to the guards and Allison clenches her jaw.
"You're not gonna win, Dick! Even if you kill me, you won't win!" Allison says with a smirk.
"Let me tell you something, Miss Winchester. I don't think you understand how little power you have in this situation. So, I'd stop running my mouth and eat some fucking candy if I were you," Dick says calmly as he backs her into a corner.
After a beat, Allison spits in his face and he nonchalantly wipes it off. Dick sighs and looks to his confidants. He whips back around to Allison and pins her up against the wall.
"I truly cannot wait to eat you alive, slowly, savoring every tender, succulent bite, little girl. That's all you really are. A scared little girl. Tagging along on all the Winchester adventures...but it ends here." Dick pauses and smiles at the girl; he breathes in her scent.
"I'm going to make them watch, Sam and Dean. They'll see you crying, asking for help. They will wish they were dead...and then they will be! Just like that! You three needed to be digested a long time ago." Dick squeezes her face and then pats her head.
"Alright, cutie! Sit tight, eat something. I'll be back," he says accompanied with a grin. "You two come with me. Let's make it nice and easy for the boys." They leave the room swiftly, closing the door behind them.
"Dammit." Allison sighs. She looks around for any form of communication but can't find anything. She bites her lip and looks at the food.
"It's probably fine, right?" She says and wanders over to the table. Allison takes a Twizzler from a container and looks it over. Sam suddenly bursts in the door.
"Ally! Thank God!" He says and smiles. "Don't eat that!" He rushes over to her and throws the candy on the ground.
"Sam, this a trap." Allison sighs.
"We know," he says with a reassuring smile. Dean runs inside the room, covered in black goo.
"I think I got most of them. Ooh candy!" Dean says but Sam stops him.
"What are you guys thinking? This is like leviathan headquarters," Allison says.
"We weren't gonna let some Dick chow down on our baby sister," Dean says and Sam makes a face. "Okay—God, Sam—you know not like that—"
"Right on time, guys!" Dick says as he steps through the frame of the broken door followed by his groupies. "The things you guys do for family! You fell right into our trap. It's really too easy! I almost feel a little guilty." Dick grins at the siblings. He starts to walk towards the siblings and Dean puts Allison behind him.
"Oh, Dean. Silly boy! You can't protect her." He laughs and Dean scowls.
"I can damn well try," he retorts. Dick Roman laughs in his face and throws him against the wall. Sam attempts to decapitate him but Dick catches his arm and throws him to the ground.
"What a Dick..." Dean groans.
"What can I say? The name fits!" He smiles.
"You're tellin' me?" Allison throws a punch and he chuckles.
"You kids are so funny!" He grabs her hand and pulls her towards him.
"Who's hungry? Tasty little brat! Fresh today!" Dick says as he turns to face his crowd.
"Hello, Dick," Crowley says and Dick sighs.
"Ugh. You." Dick lazily drops Allison to the floor. "I'm a little busy."
"I see." Crowley smiles and the Winchesters look up at him with pleading eyes.
"What do you want?" Dick asks.
"A deal," Crowley says and Dick smiles slightly.
"Ah, yes. I have the precious Winchesters in my possession and let me guess, you want them back," Dick says. "Sorry. I won't budge. Goldilocks is looking pretty scrumptious right about now." Dick yanks Allison's hair and Crowley cocks his head at them and frowns.
"Now, I don't mean to interrupt your dinner plans, however disturbing they may be, but I do need the Winchesters." Dick glowers at the demon.
"What will I get in return...in this deal?" Dick says.
"Think of it as an IOU," Crowley offers and Dick beams.
"You got it," Dick says. "Take them. They'll be mine soon enough." The Winchesters sigh in relief and Dick chuckles. "But Mister Crowley, do know that I take my deals very, very seriously."
"As do I, Mister Roman," Crowley says.
"Well. Pleasure doing business with you." Dick lets go of Allison and shakes Crowley's hand. Dick starts to leave but stops at the door.
"Do me a favor, boys. Try and keep her nice and well-fed for me. A little more pudge on you two couldn't hurt either. I want to be satiated after this is all done, 'kay? Alright, have a good one!" Dick says with a wink and then leaves with his minions trailing behind him. Sam and Dean clench their jaws and Dean puts a protective hand on Allison's shoulder.
"That was too easy," Dean says unhappily.
"Too easy?!" Crowley yells as he snaps everyone into the Impala. "I stick my freaking neck out for you knuckleheads and you say 'that was too easy.'!"
"He means that Dick seemed a little too happy with that deal," Sam says.
"We'll cross that bloody bridge when we get to it! You can't save the world from inside the bad guy's damn stomach!" Crowley says. "Geez. Not even a 'thank you'."
"Thank you, Crowley," Allison says.
"There we go, Goldilocks. Boys?" Crowley says.
"Thanks, Crowley," the boys say.
"Alright, good. Now, let's save the world or something like that."

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