The Gods

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Allison: 17
Dean: 26
Sam: 24

"Wouldn't having one night off be nice, Sammy?" Dean says, shoving a forkful of pie into his mouth. Sam sighs and grins as he reluctantly sits down next to Dean.
  "Atta boy!" Dean says, clapping Sam on the back.
"You finally get him to relax?" Allison asks, bringing over two more pieces of pie from the buffet.
"They have French silk?" Dean squeals and Allison nods. Sam shakes his head at his siblings disapprovingly.
After eating, the Winchesters head up to their hotel room. In the hall, they see a young couple getting frisky and Dean giggles.
"Grow up," Allison scoffs as they enter their room. Suddenly, a huge crash is heard next door and the Winchesters look to each other worriedly. They run into the couple's room but find it completely empty.
"What the hell?" Sam says.
"Just one night off! That's all I wanted!" Dean yells.
They travel downstairs to the lobby but the hotel seems to be completely vacant.
"This is weird," Allison says, looking to the empty chairs and tables nearby. Sam and Dean lead the way to the kitchen and Allison trails behind them. Dean opens a bubbling pot to find boiling blood with floating eyeballs.
"Motel hell," Dean says and Sam gags.
Screams are then heard from the freezer and Sam quickly turns to try to pick the lock. Allison cries out as Dean is suddenly taken down to the ground by two large men. Allison grabs a butcher knife but another man comes up from behind and picks her up like a sack of potatoes.
"Sam! Dean!" She screams as the man takes her away. Dean jumps up and chases after her but one of the other men tackles him again.
These two men take Sam and Dean out of the kitchen and into the ballroom. The doors open and they see a mild mannered party of about 12 people. Sam and Dean look around to see name tags on the guests like "Kali" and "Odin".
"Ladies and gentlemen! Now that our guests of honor have arrived, we can finally get started. Let me just say that I never thought that we'd ever have this many Gods under one roof," Baldur says.
"Gods..." Sam mutters.
"Now, while tonight is a celebration, we have business to take care of as well. The Judeo-Christian apocalypse is upon us and we have two very valuable humans with us tonight; Michael and Lucifer's vessels. The question is, what do we do with them?"
"Kill them!" Buddha yells in Chinese.
"So the angels can just bring them right back?" Odin retorts.
"We have to find Ally," Dean whispers. The boys attempt to leave but a chandelier crashes down in front of them.
"Stay," Kali growls and they sit back down.
" our sister?" Sam asks hesitantly.
"Aww!" The Gods coo and Sam looks to Dean, befuddled. Just then, the man that had taken Ally enters, covered in blood. Dean clenches his jaw angrily.
"There are just too many things you can do with a virgin!" He exclaims and the Gods laugh. The brothers scowl and look to each other, horrified.
"What did you do to her?" Dean yells.
"Don't worry! She's fine," the man says.
"For now!" Ganesh hoots while the other Gods chuckle and smile at the Winchesters.


Allison, gagged and tied to a chair, whimpers in the cold, dark room. Her wrists are slit, being drained into two bowls that sit on either side of her. Suddenly, she feels a rush of cold air beside her. Her body tenses up as she feels a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, sweet cheeks," Gabriel says. She smiles and looks to her wrists with pleading eyes. He frowns and rushes to her wounds, healing them.
"Chivalry is dead, but then again Baldur never knew how to treat a lady." Gabriel unties her mouth and she offers him a small smile.
"Thank you," she says.
"No problemo. You kids walked into the wrong hotel. Buncha Gods up in here!" Gabriel says.
"Gods?" Allison says and he nods.
"Come on! I'm getting you out of here," Gabriel says, helping her up from the chair.
"What about Sam and Dean?" Allison asks.
"Don't worry about them. I need to get you out of here first," he says.
"I'm not leaving without them," Allison says stubbornly and Gabriel sighs.
"Bull crap! Do you know what those Gods would do for a young, ripe little virgin like yourself? A whole lot! They'll slice and dice you all sorts of ways and then have a good ol' family cookout on the pool deck!" Gabriel yells and Allison blinks. "I'm not gonna let that happen obviously, but we need to go!" Gabriel grabs Allison's arm and they walk out of the room and into the lobby.
"Loki, what are you up to?" Odin asks and all the Gods turn to look.
"Stealing our virgin?" Ganesh yells and Gabriel looks around the ballroom wildly.
"Th-this was the lobby!" He yells.
"You can't just come in here, unannounced, steal our goods and leave without saying a word!" Buddha says in Chinese. Sam and Dean look up at their sister.
"Oh, thank God!" Dean whispers.
"Which one?" Sam scoffs.
"Loki. Come, sit," Kali says.
"I would but, unfortunately we've got somewhere to be. Right, Ally?" Gabriel says with a grin and Allison nods nervously. "You see Kali, I would've cleared my schedule for tonight, but my invitation seemed to have gotten lost in the mail."
"Enough with the games, Loki. Give us the virgin and then we'll talk," Baldur says and Gabriel frowns.
"No, Baldur. We'll talk now. See you kids later. The adults need to have a chat." Gabriel snaps the Winchesters back into their hotel room.
"Gods?!" Dean exclaims after a beat.
"We're totally and completely screwed," Allison says.
"What do we even do?" Sam says.
"I have no clue. I'm completely lost," Dean says and sits on the bed.
"Well, you guys can't do anything without me," Gabriel says. "They're going to kill you or use you as bait. Either way it's not good."
"Well, can't you just snap us out of here?" Dean says.
"Unfortunately, no. Kali has got you boys by the short and curlies—a blood spell. Nasty dark magic that even I can't break. Allison however, is free to go. Kali only really wants Michael and Lucifer's vessels, for leveraging purposes...the virgin is just a lucky strike extra. That's why I was trying to get the poor kid out of here before..." Gabriel sits on the bed and grimaces.
"Let's just say I'm not exactly comfortable having our cute little virgin here locked up with a bunch of hungry, horny Gods." Gabriel runs his fingers through his hair.
"Well, let's get her out of here!" Dean says.
"That's what I'm saying!" Gabriel says and Allison gives him a vexed look. "I guess I can try to get your guys' blood from Kali but it's risky business."
"Do whatever it takes to get us all out of here," Allison says. Gabriel sighs, nods and disappears.


"Let's just go. He's taking too long," Dean says, getting up.
"We can't. The blood spell," Allison says glumly.
"Yeah, Gabriel said it's dark magic—" Sam starts.
"Yeah, Gabriel said that. Why exactly do we trust him?" Dean says and the siblings look to each other.
"I guess it's worth a try," Allison says and they leave the hotel room. They enter the main lobby but Dean stops in his tracks. He motions to his siblings to hide behind a wall when he spots various Gods wandering around.
"Shit," Dean whispers, retreating to his siblings.
"The virgin is close!" Ganesh exclaims and the Gods smile. Allison looks to her brothers with concern.
"Okay. Leave without me while Gabriel gets the blood," Allison says. "I'll stall, then I'll meet you guys out there."
"Hell no! It's too—" Dean starts.
"I'll be fine. Gabriel won't let me get hurt," Allison says and Sam nods.
"She's right. We need to get out of here and she'll definitely lead them away from the door," Sam says.
"Fine," Dean says, very obviously unhappy with the plan. The Winchesters get to their feet and Dean kisses Allison's head. Dean watches as she runs down the hall and up the hotel stairs. The Gods heads snap up and follow the change in scent.
"Come on," Sam urges but sadly smiles at his protective older brother. "She'll be okay."
The boys start towards the front entrance and Gabriel suddenly appears in front of them.
"I got the blood. Where's Goldilocks?" He asks, wildly concerned.
"She—uh—went upstairs," Sam stumbles.
"Go! I'll get her. Take the blood." Gabriel hands them the blood and disappears.


Allison catches her breath on floor 5 but she still hears them close behind her.
"Dammit," she says as she finds herself in a dead end by the honeymoon suite.
"There!" One of the Gods shout as they spot her. They all quickly appear in front of her.
"Just let me go. There are plenty of other virgins out there to satiate you creeps," Allison says.
"But none are nearly as fair," Buddha says in Chinese with a creepy smile.
"I have to agree with you there, Buddha," Gabriel says with a grin for Allison.
"Come, Loki. Join us. A nice rendezvous in the bedroom and then a feast!" Ganesh declares.
"While that sounds lovely, I'm afraid I have other, better plans. So, we're just gonna...go." Gabriel grabs Allison and transports them to the backseat of the Impala.
"Drive! Drive!" He shouts and Dean presses down on the gas, making the Impala's wheels screech as they tear out of the parking lot.
"Thank you." Allison hugs the archangel as they speed away and he smiles at the warm embrace.

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