Dog Days

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This is a request from @XxToxicWolf93xX 🐶

Allison: 23
Dean: 32
Sam: 29

"It smells like dog shit in here." Allison dramatically wheezes, covering her mouth. Dean retches and breathes through his shirt. Sam glares at them and puts a finger to his lips. Sam pushes open a door in the creaky, old house and sees the sleeping witch with two or three dogs laying in her lap and many more at her feet. Allison looks to the wall and sees even more dogs locked in cages.
"Poor things." Allison says quietly. Suddenly she's thrown against the wall and falls to the floor with a crash. The dogs start to howl and bark insanely.
"Ally!" Dean runs to her and Sam shoots at the chair the witch was in, but she seems to have vanished. Two younger witches come rushing down the stairs and scream at Sam. They run at him with knives but he shoots them before they can get very far. The witches quickly fall to the ground with a thud.
"Comana machu melanah tabor doré..." Sam looks around wildly for the faint whisperings of spell work.
"Where are you?" Sam yells, looking around.
"Sammy, she's not waking up!" Dean says as he tries to shake Allison awake.
"It's gone. I don't hear anything." Sam says, defeated. Dean continues to shake Allison and Allison stirs.
"Oh, my head." Allison says, sitting up.
"Thank God." Dean says and looks to Sam. "Where's the other one?" He says and gestures to the two dead witches on the ground.
"I don't know. She vanished." Sam sighs. "You okay, Al?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just find this bitch and get out of here." Allison says, getting to her feet.
"I have a feeling she isn't even within a 50 mile radius anymore." Dean says.
"How come? We've never met a witch that is powerful enough to teleport. I mean other than Row—"
Dean points to a framed picture of Rowena's old coven, which includes the old witch as their mentor.
"Damn." Allison says. "Those are some old ladies."
"1857." Sam says as he looks at the back of the photo.
"So, this witch is a pretty big deal?" Dean remarks. "But if she's been around the block a few times, how come she's getting sloppy now?"
"No clue." Sam says, looking to a pile of human bones in the corner of the room.
"Maybe she's senile." Allison suggests and Dean laughs.
"Rowena should put her in a home." Dean jokes, making Allison laugh even harder.
"Guys, stop." Sam says, taking the photo and looking around once more. "I guess we can wait for her to slip up again and hunt her down. Maybe she'll come back for her dogs." Sam shrugs and the Winchesters head out the front door.


As the Winchesters drive back to the bunker, feeling a little defeated after their unsuccessful hunt, Allison finds herself feeling a bit strange. Dean looks in the rear view mirror to see Allison vigorously scratching her head.
"Hey! Don't get dandruff all over baby." Dean says.
"Sorry." Allison sighs and looks out the window longingly. She rolls down the window and nonchalantly inches her head outside. Sam turns around and gives her a weird look. "Woo hoo! You should try it, Sam!" Allison shouts, her blonde hair flying in the wind.
Sam scoffs and gives Dean a look. Dean pulls the Impala into the driveway of the bunker and kills the engine.
"What do we wanna do for dinner?" Dean asks.
"Burgers." Allison says quickly.
"Ha. Okay. I can pick some up. You guys head inside." Dean says, turning the car back on. Sam exits the car and looks to Allison, who's still sitting in the backseat.
"Come on." Sam says to her confusedly.
"Oh! Yeah. Bye, Dean." Allison says, reluctantly leaving the car. Dean waves and drives towards town. Allison initially starts to follow the Impala out of the driveway but she stops herself.
"Allison?" Sam asks.
"I hope he'll be okay." Allison says sadly, looking to Sam with worry.
"I'm sure he'll be okay." Sam says with a chuckle. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, Sam. I'm good." Allison says and heads inside. Sam sighs and follows after his sister.


"Soup's on!" Dean says as he walks down the stairs with the bags of fast food in hand. Allison bolts into the room and hugs Dean.
"I'm so glad you're here!" She says and sniffs the food. "Smells great!" Allison says and sits down at the table. Sam and Dean exchange glances and chuckle.
"Okay..." Dean says and takes the food out of the bag, placing it on the table. The Winchesters sit down together and start to eat. While Allison is normally a quick eater, she still finishes her burger abnormally fast.
"Mmm!" Allison says with a grin.
"What has gotten into you?" Sam asks, astonished.
"Let the kid eat." Dean says.
"Ow. Oh, Jesus." Allison doubles over in pain.
"Ally?" Dean asks worriedly.
"I don't know what's happening." Allison says breathlessly.
"Maybe it's because you ate your whole burger in 3 bites." Sam says, getting up to get her some water.
"No, it's in my back. My back hurts—" Allison yelps in pain. Dean goes to her and rubs her back.
"Do we have any Advil?" Dean asks Sam.
"I think we're out." Sam sighs.
"I'll go get some. Do you need anything else like ice cream, magazines...other supplies?" Dean asks, getting his keys. Allison glares at him.
"I'm not on my period." Allison says and scratches her arm.
"I'll still go get some Advil. We need beer anyways." Dean says, walking up the stairs. "Be back soon!" Dean leaves the bunker and Allison whimpers.
"Why did he leave? Is he gonna come back soon? Oh, God." Allison scratches her head and whimpers loudly. Sam stares at her. "What, Sam?"
"Your um—"
Allison looks down at her arm and a thick layer of blonde hair is growing rapidly.
"Oh, my God! Sam!" Allison cries. "What's happening to me?" Allison cries out in pain and grabs her back. Sam gasps as he spots a blonde, furry tail sprouting out from right above his sister's backside.

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