Sleep (Jack)

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Allison: 28
Dean: 37
Sam: 34

Allison's golden locks of hair fall across her face, occasionally being blown up and down by her rhythmic breathing. Jack silently admires the girl, as she's all snuggled up in her blankets with her face squished against her pillow. He thinks it's especially cute that she still sleeps with a stuffed bear, who goes by the name of "Mister Tubbs". Dean won the bear for her at a carnival in Kalamazoo when she was just 7 years old and she's cherished it ever since. Allison rolls over and hugs Mister Tubbs tight. Wings flutter behind Jack.
"Oh. Hello, Jack." Castiel whispers awkwardly. Jack doesn't break his focus from the sleeping girl.
"Hello, Castiel." He smiles.
"I was just doing my nightly rounds on the Winchesters. Making sure they're alright." Castiel says.
"Of course." Jack says.
"What are you doing?" Castiel asks, after a pause.
"Observing." Jack says and smiles as Allison yawns.
"I see." Castiel says and looks to the floor.
"You like to observe too?" Jack asks.
"Yes. Dean says it's creepy, but I still do it from time to time." Castiel says with a warm smile.
"It's just so peaceful and she's so beautiful." Jack says, full of wonder. "During the day she's stunning but something about sleep just makes her beauty reach a whole new level."
"Sleep is a wonderful thing. In fact, sometimes I'm a little jealous." Castiel says and smiles as Allison smacks her lips sleepily.
"Humans are magnificent, Castiel. They somehow manage to be brave, smart, funny, and really really cute, all at the same time. I don't know how they do it." Jack smiles. Together, they gaze at the sleeping little human in an amiable silence.
"I think you got this covered. Have a good night, Jack." Castiel says, patting him on the back.
"Say hi to Dean for me." Jack grins, causing Castiel to take a slight pause before he leaves to check on his human.

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