Chapter 1

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"We will meet again on her 16th birthday."

"Thank you mis. P. Eternity and I will be living in that White House we seen." I looked down at my baby eternity. Sound asleep. Who could of imagined? A human women having a child with some demon! I didn't think it was possible. But here we are. Holding my first child. And Slenders first child that he hasn't eaten yet. I'm a proud mother and wife!

It's a funny story how we met. I was a drunken teenager who didn't like being tied down. I was high and drunk walking through the woods. Showing my friends that I wasn't scared of these trees. I bumped into slender, he threatened to kill me. I tried to fight him and take his head but....I woke up a week later with bruises and cuts. But skipping all that.

Sparing my life. I met all the creepypasta's, they scared me shit-less. I was going insane in my room that was assigned to me. After awhile and slowly understanding each and everyone. They have become my family. Hopefully Eternity's also.

But as life moved forward, I developed feelings for the man that almost killed me but saved me. I honestly say that I was making moves left and right. I matured and then boom! He started showing an interest. Then one thing led to another and a baby came.

Didn't think I will become pregnant. I even thought we wouldn't be able to make it to third base. Or the 13th tier......

I look down at the small bundle in my arms.

'I don't think I can live 16 years without my love. But at least I have my child to remind me of him.' I think to myself.

"Tina, don't worry. We will watch from a distance. Ms. P. will come once a month to check up on her." Slender replies strongly, I looked at slender. I smiled knowing he will be ok, and I will be ok.

"Thank you. You need to say good-bye to eternity before we leave."

I watched as slender picked up his daughter and hug her.

"You be good my child. I'll watch over you as much as I can. I'll protect. Don't worry. I'll never forget my child. Listen to your mother. I'll miss you lots. I'll see you on your 16th birthday. I'm sorry we can't stay together. I...I...I love you and your mother dearly. Good luck."

I was going to cry. Only tears slipped out of my eyes. I hugged pencil neck and slender.

Pencil neck is a creepypasta. She specializes as a doctor. I don't know much about her. But she has been a huge help

Saying my good-byes.

Hugging them and turned. Walking in the direction of a small town I grew up in. Soon, Eternity will be the one growing up in the town.

-> 10 minutes later <-

'Ugh. I hate walking. I just had a baby a week ago and I'm walking a mile or two to my new house! carrying my baby!!! oh well at least she's asleep.'

Why didn't they walk with me to the house? Or at least give me a stroller. Carry us both or something! Why the hell did they make me walk from the mansion to the neighbouring town? Alone? With a child? Almost tripping over a dozen of times. My feet are sore, also my....downtown region hurts. Are they trying to kill me? After a hour or so I finally made it to my new house. It's sure going to be different.

We are going to wait 16 years. 16 years until we are sure Eternity will live. Or that I will live! She wasn't even suppose to make it through the pregnancy. The birthing process. I risked both our lives keeping her in me and going through the 9 months. I risked doing a natural birth. I risked myself to bring her here. And, here she is! The miracle. No doubt gonna be a little devil, just like her father.

"But we can do it right my darling." I said smiling.

"You are such a beautiful baby. Now what to do."

I sat there thinking. I can always put eternity to bed. She's been up for awhile. Then I could sleep. My body is sore for walking for so long. Holding in my arms for so long. It's a lot of exercise so suddenly. Also a week after giving birth. What time is it anyways?

"9:30!?!? oh my. Go to sleep eternity. Because I need to sleep. I have it harder than you ok? So, please be easy on momma."

With that eternity slowly fell asleep. I placed her beside me on the bed. Hoping I can be a decent single mother.

Now that's going to be hard.

Well I'm not really a single mother. Just living only own until eternity is older.

I've been told by P that the chances of her surviving past her 16th birthday are low. We don't really know how she survived or what she really is. We have very little information on her. We have looked into Slender's background and identity, my background and identity. Looking at similarities between her and ourselves. A lot of information but how are they connected. How she came to be. Makes my brain run in circles thinking about it.

She has only been in this world for a week, we have lots of time to watch her grow and develop. I hope. Sighing, I prop myself up on my elbows and look around.

I wonder where all this furniture has come from. I know slender had someone take care of the funiture. Also they took the time to baby proof the house.

I would need to thank someone for everything they have done for us.

I yawn and look at the clock. 10:30. I stare out the window and slowly lie back down.

I then found myself falling into a deep sleep.


If you didn't get it yet

That was Tina's P.O.V.

This happened a week after eternity's birth.

Have any questions? Comment or Message me and I'll answer them.

Hope you like the first chapter. Like if you do.

Have any ideas? again comment or message me and I'll see what I can do.

Love all my followers.


Update June 12, 2017

I have added more to this chapter to help understand. Wait, that didn't make sense.
I have the chapter more understandable. The next chapters are unedited and I'm working on that. If you are rereading, tell me how much the chapter has improved. I know it was a shitty starting. Even I cringe. But it was my first book. And I barely knew how to write. And like two or three years later, I have improved. I didnt want to change it up too much. Because I wanted to keep the cringe. It helps me learn. So hope you enjoyed. Beware the next chapters are unedited!!!
Thank you!
Ps, the second half gets better. I paid extra attention in English class.

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