Chapter 21 (part 2)

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"Yes. But us two and your parents are up. So it's 'safe' to go downstairs. For abit."

I glared at masky. He doesn't know what it feels like to be in my position. I'm not safe.

"Whatever. I'm going downstairs. After I change so can you leave?"

They left and I raced through my clothes. Pair of black skinny jeans with a white tshirt. I put on my red hoodie and some socks. Did my hair a little. Then redid my makeup.

I slowly made my way down the hallway. Then down the stairs. I didn't hear much. So that's good. I got to the bottom of the stairs. I did a quick look around. No one. Then I heard talking. I went towards the talking. Taking me to the kitchen. My mom and father. Talking and smiling. Then there looks turned towards me. I could tell my father was smiling. Then my mom smiled. I just gave a shy smile.

"Good morning eternity. want some breakfast?" my mom asked happy.

'She must be in a good news.'

"Uhh. Sure. Just a little thou."

"Ok. Oh! we got two things to tell you. After you eat."

She got up and went to the kitchen. Hmm. Two things they gotta tell me... I pushed the thought away. And waited for my food. I was hungry.

"Morning child."

I looked up to my father and smiled a little.


I looked back down and didn't know what else to do. My mom came back with some food. Little bit of eggs. Bacon and hash browns. Even thou I was hungry I had to but down in my eating habits.

"How's your arm. Child? let me see."

I raised my sweater sleeve. And the. raised my arm for him. He wrapped his tendril around it. After a few moments later. He let go.

I ignored that and began eating. After I finished. I just sat there.

"Ok eternity hun! time to tell you."

I quickly looked up and waited.

"First! Your arm will heal faster than humans. What I'm saying is. Since you aren't really human now. You are gonna be able to do inhuman things. Like healing faster. So. Your arm will heal in about...2-3 months."

"Oh wow."

I looked at my arm and then back at my mom.

"Second. Remember on your birthday. You were suppose to feel pain throughout your body?"

'Omg. I remember but none of that happened. And I didn't pass out.'

"Yes. But why didn't that happen? I didn't pass out."

"Well you did pass out. When you fell asleep. You actrully been asleep for two days. That's why I was so worried for you. We had to wait for you to wake up. Because it wasn't safe. And we don't know why you didn't feel pain. We are still thinking that one through."

I was in shock. Two days?? omg. Omg. What???

"T..two days?"

"Yep. Wondering why it was a Tuesday? you fell asleep that Saturday night. Woke up Tuesday morning."

"Ok. I'm.. I don't know."

The. I heard talking coming down the stairs. I tensed up and tried not to freak out. I guess my father seen because he started to chuckle.

Everyone went quiet behind me. Then everyone slowly sat down. Starring at me. I didn't make eye contact. Instead looked at my cast. I then slowly stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Then Raced up the stairs. I stood at the top and starred down the stairs. The I heard walking. I looked up and seen jeff. He had no shirt on. Man. He was strong.

We kept looking at each other. He began walking towards me. I began walking to my room. We walked past each other and didn't say a word. I then ran to my room. I closed the door and walked towards my bed. There was a note on my bed.

I tensed up and looked around. Nothing. I walked toward the not and I picked it up. It had a really fancy 'Z' on it. I was a little comfused. Then I opened it and began to read.

"Dear eternity,

You may have gotten away on your birthday. But you won't in the future. Enjoy your freedom and safety now. But it won't last long. We now know your at your weakest state. We now know where you are living. My soldiers found your room. Make sure to check everywhere before you go to bed tonight. And remember eternity love, make sure you close and lock your window.

Zalgo '

I was frozen in fear. My mind didn't work. My breathing began getting heavy. I grabbed the note and walked downstairs.


Oh my goodness. I'm rewriting this part because. When I saved it yesterday I put my phone down for awhile and then I came back to my phone. My phone was dead. :( but at least I saved it.

So I'm posting it today. I'm so sorry. And enjoy. :)

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