Words (S.R.)

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I sat on the edge of the lake and looked upon the clear, pure waters and into the lush trees.

I purposely wasn't there when they did it. When he left.

I knew I couldn't handle it. Mentally, emotionally, physically. I just needed time to... accept.

Accept the fact he would never again be mine. I would never again be his. I would never hold his hand or look into the gorgeous blue eyes. I would never be able to hear his voice pour out every thought he had, and just listen.

Instead I resorted to listening to what was ahead of me. My future without Steve. I was close to accepting it for now. But it was so hard. I tried to stay calm and peaceful. I tried to let serenity absorb every other emotion, every other thought.

The future I would have of living alone. A little cabin in the mountains, a small lake nearby. Where it would snow in the fall, winter, and spring but be warm and calm in the summer. Where I could easily get lost in thought and just... think.

It worked for what felt like a long few moments. All the ideas I knew I could achieve. But soon they all came over come by a tsunami of emotions. It hit hard, harder than I thought.

And I broke. The warm tears spilled down my cheeks as I held back sound, knowing it would only make it worst. I stayed like this for what felt like a long time just looking. Then someone came up next to me and sat down.

"Why didn't you go?" I asked him, eyes still focused on the water ahead of me. The future.

"I couldn't." He said, looking out where I was, "You're thinking about the future." I nodded once. "Just the two of us, a small cabin, that would be great." He chuckled. I looked up at the man I loved and he looked down. "I love you too much to let go."

"I love you too." I whispered before we kissed. A long, deep, passionate but peaceful kiss. Once filled with no emotion and though other than the two of us.

"When do we want to start looking?" He asked as I placed my head on his broad shoulder, both of us returning our gaze back to the trees reflecting the water.

"Soon." I grabbed his hand, "Very soon." We stayed there for a few moments in silence.

"I can't wait to watch you write all day." He said and I smiled. "You get so invested but the products are gorgeous."

"Thanks," I said, "It'll be so relaxing." He nodded.

"It will."

-2 years later-

I took in the deep and calming morning mountain air. It was so refreshing and beautiful. I woke up at my typical 9 am, to find Steve making coffee for the both of us. "Hello lovely." He said as I walked into our small rustic living room. I smiled back. "How'd you sleep?" He asked. I stretched my arms and responded.

"Wonderfully." I smiled up at him. He kissed the top of my messy hair.

"Ready to check out the random trail we found?" I nodded.

"As long as the slope doesn't go more than 45 degrees I'm set." He chuckled.

"I'll just carry you then." He said and poured us some of the fresh brewed drink.

"That's a promise Rogers." I responded.

"It is Rogers."


We had a few points together. Where we could just look out and see no more than nature and feel no more than each other. These were the most surreal and incredible yet pure moments I'd ever experienced. They were so beautiful and passionate yet no words were said and no actions committed. "I read your poem last night." Steve said quietly.

"How was it?" I asked him.

"The best one yet if you ask me." He smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," he began, "It was gorgeous." His gaze turned down to me and mine up to his.

"What did you think it was about?" I asked, starting into those blue eyes.

"I don't want to be narcissistic." He said. He got the meaning.

"Just say it."

"Me." I nodded. He gently kissed me and smiled.

The tides alter as one does
They go with the forces
The push and pull
They move with purpose

They're controlled by a being
One of great power and responsibility
One of beauty and dreams
One of truth and compassion

This being lights up everything in view
Enough to have just a view
Just enough to see across the water
Just enough to see the future

They aren't controlled by others
They are given the freedom of movement
They alter their own ways
But will always compromise with their counterpart

For control is not the meaning
Nor the purpose
The purpose it to move in perfect harmony
To produce and curate and beautify a future

He carefully laced his finger with mine. "I always write the first thing that comes to mind," I began, "And that tends to be you." I could feel his smile grow as my words slipped out.

"It's always so beautiful." He said, "It's so serene and so perfect. Your words fill so many voids and they don't mean to."

"But that's the thing," I began and he looked down at me, "Words are just little scribbles on a page. But each little indent, each little scribble represents a meaning. A deeper, truer, harder meaning. One that fills holes and voids we never knew we had. Because words are universal in context, but personal when disassembled." He stared at me for a few seconds before I looked back at him, "Words mean nothing if you can't comprehend them. Words are just little pieces and fragments of a greater story. Of somebody who may be aching to release. It may antagonize at the sound and the mind but it nonetheless gives those the power to communicate the underlying meaning and abilities and powers they were given. These little scribbles on a page give us the power of communication, a deeper version of one soul, of one mind, to the other."

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