Chapter 44

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Vance finally shows back up at work he looks exhausted and I can't help but think something is going on.

He keep the conversation light and almost avoidant of me.

"Hey Mallory, I am taking off early today so cancel my last appointment." I hear Vance yell out to his assistant.

Vance has never missed a day of work since I have known him let alone several and now his first day back and he's leaving early.

It has to do with Hardin..he's staying with him now. But it's not your problem Tessa. Whatever the issue is with Hardin it's just not your problem. I keep telling myself.

I'm just going to text him.

"Hey Hardin"

"Hey Har"

I keep typing and erasing...what would I even say or why at this point.

My mom ends up calling me as I have my phone out thinking about texting Hardin.

"Hi Tessa, I talked to Eastons mom she sounds like she has everything taken care of for your bridal shower on Sunday. Are you still planning on wearing that white lace dress, do you want to wear grandma's pearls it's would look lovely with that dress?" She keeps rambling on before I even say hello.

I haven't even put a thought into the shower let alone what I'm wearing with the dress. We had picked the dress out months ago. And it's crazy what months ago felt like. Everything with my wedding was excitement and the feelings it should be. Now it just feels sucked away.

"Yes I'll wear them, but I'm super busy at work so I'll see you Sunday." I say to my mom.

Easton has been talking about the shower for days which should be me. I should be the one talking about it nonstop. I want to be excited but I have been questioning everything and questioning whether or not Easton and I should be doing this.

I know I love him, but I feel like I did with Noah where on the surface he's perfect but that passion that once in a lifetime notebook love isn't there. And I know I have that with Hardin. All I want is just an interaction with him. Something. He's still here and going to be for the next week. So I owe it to myself to just see. Whatever that means.

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