F I F T Y - T W O

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(Repeat Location By Khalid)

Zhavia's Point Of View
November 20, 2016

"Ladies you all did amazing this week. We've been training so hard and I want you all to know we thought carefully about the order for the relay race." I turn my head to the left of me looking at Julissa, we have both been waiting for this.

Cam is sitting to the left of Julissa as we sit on the metal bleachers, she turns her head to the right looking at me and Julissa. "Guys let's just agree now that when I get anchor, we'll all still be friends. I won't let it tear us apart." Cam says, Julissa turns her head looking at me, we look at each other before we start laughing.

Cam is the last person who will get anchor. It's funny how serious she was when she said she'd get it... "Cam, don't worry. I assure you that you won't be the one to get it." Julissa didn't even hesitate to spit the truth.

"I am just shocked at how she could say that with such a straight face, I almost believed that she believed what she was saying." I say making Julissa and I both laugh. Cam just rolls her eyes. "I liked it better when you two were fighting over my brother." Julissa and I both shake our heads to ourselves, I love Cam.

"The list is being passed around, you guys are amazing. If you have any questions feel free to ask me." Coach smiles before walking away.

The girls begin to take one and pass the papers around. "Dude my heart is racing what if I'm not even picked to run the race at all?" My stomach is turning right now Julissa just shakes her head dismissing my concern. "Oh bitch you were picked, we were picked." She says full of confidence, she's almost convincing, almost.

Cam nods agreeing with her. "She's right, we didn't work hard for nothing, we are in the race." Cam says with a straight face, I'm staring to think she seriously thinks she's in the race..

"Yeah, all of us.." I say with a fake smile making Julissa laugh softly. The papers slowly make their way to us and we each take one. We all look at one another. "On three?" Cam asks.

Julissa and I both nod.

"One." Cam starts.
"Two." Julissa takes a deep breath.
"Three!" I finish.

I quickly turn the paper over. "This is so not fair!" Diamond yells looking at the paper, she hops up from her spot and walks over to coach.

"What she said, guys I'm up first in the run. That means I'm the slowest out of the four that was picked" Cam says disappointedly. I just want to scream right now. I look at Julissa and we just stare at each other before we shriek in sync before hugging one another.

"I'm the anchor I can't believe it I got it?!" I yell excitedly pulling away. Julissa Can't stop smiling. "You're the anchor... girl I'm the second to last, I'm going to be passing to you! We did it we're in the race we did it!" Julissa shouts before reaching over to hug a disappointed Cam. Cam doesn't even hug her back.

"What are you two celebrating for... I'm first, I'm slower than you two?" She asks with straight disbelief. "Cam, I don't know how to tell you this.." I start trying break it to her.

"But you're slow as hell, I'm shocked you got picked to even do the race at all. Just be happy with us, we all got picked bitch." Julissa jokingly says so bluntly making me laugh. Cam's jaw just drops as thought this is new information to her. She can't be serious. Meanwhile Diamond is pissed at coach.

"There has to be some kind of mistake! You put Dolan in the race and not me?! I'm the fastest runner you've got. You put fields as the anchor come on coach." Wow Diamond is so... jealous.

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