3/26/21 Mountain Climb

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I was with my mom and Sarah (sister). We drove to a mountain to hike it's trail (as we did some time ago for real). The trail was just as difficult as I remember, although at one point there was a 90 degree climb of dirt and rock. Somehow my mom and Sarah made it up the wall, but I couldn't get a good grip. There were thorns as well that kept digging into my arm as I tried to pull myself up but to no avail.
Eventually Sarah got her car and drove it up to where I was on a convenient road right beside the trail. She brought an American flag to me for some reason and I stuck it in the ground beside the impossible climb. We then began to drive home, although going down the mountain was stressful because Sarah was going pretty fast around the bend and I was afraid we would slide right off the road and tumble down the mountain. We made it down though.

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