10/23/18 Inside

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I was in the game Inside with Jacksepticeye (or Sean). It was more like a sequel, because everything was in even more ruin than before, after the events that occurred in the game. But I didn't feel like we were in a game, since it felt very real.
And very dark.
It felt like walking through a haunted factory. Everything was dark, decrepit, and we'd hear noises or see movement in our peripheral vision. The tension just kept building each room we'd set foot in. At one point, we entered an especially dark room, small and square. Suddenly a large piece of something fell from the ceiling, making us jump. I grabbed Sean's arm, shortly before asking if he was okay with me hugging it (for the record, I don't have any sort of crush on him, although I'd be happy to be his friend if he wanted irl).
He confirmed and we looked to see what had fallen. Since the ceiling had a big hole through it, a dim beam of light exposed a rotted, dusty hunk of wood. The ceiling was actually a wooden floor that had collapsed, and Sean glanced over to see a set of stairs that would lead us up there. It was extremely dark, so we sort of slowly shuffled over to find the base of the staircase and climbed up on all fours so we wouldn't trip.
When we reached the second floor, the last thing I remember is walking towards a metal door.

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