11/28/17 Mermaid in the Big City

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I was a mermaid in a big city. I lived within a small canal that ran between a major road and a cluster of buildings. It was mostly hidden from view since the road was raised on a higher level creating a wall against the water, making it a good place to reside. The water was absolutely beautiful for being in a city, as it was clear and full of ocean life like tropical fish. I would swim back and forth along the wall, watching for people and playing under the surface. There was this one guy that I apparently knew, and he hung out across the road in a field that I believe was a part of a park. He had a group of people over there, and I think they were studying certain things and working on projects.
For some reason I would jump up on land, at a lower level of the building side, and scoot closer to watch them. At one point however, he began to be annoyed by me even though I stayed out of the way. He would ignore me or try to get me to leave his sight, and the others copied. I was pretty upset, so back in the water, I began looking for a new friend. I had found another person going in and out of the canal. Was he swimming? Looking for something? I watched him, trying to decide whether I should approach him or keep my distance. But after the sun set, he was gone and the other group had moved closer to a small ditch area of the field, right in front of the end of the canal. There was a little grassy hill I hid behind and scooted up just enough to see them.
There were some other mermaids lounging on the hill a few feet next to me, so I joined them. They were not worried about being seen by the others. In fact, they were watching and taunting them. I joined them in their antics, still mad about how they treated me. We flapped our fins at them and laughed. They were sitting on the hill on the other side of the ditch, watching for the sunrise for their "study." They had been equally taunting my friends and laughing at them, until they couldn't handle it anymore and came for us. We turned and quickly scooted for the water, but some of them were caught. I had to take one of the guys down for hurting one of them, and I hit a few others. It was chaos only for a little bit, however, until the sun began to rise. Everyone, human and mermaid, stopped and turned their eyes to the soft glowing pink sky. That's all I remember.

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