1-3-17 Gem Mission 2

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I was Sapphire visiting homeworld to rescue Greg, along with Ruby, Steven, Connie, Lapis, Peridot, Amethyst, and I think Pearl? I remember hovering around the interior of this building that looked like a bigger version of school, hoping I would not be found out. At one point I ended up in a children's classroom by following a line of them. I used the excuse that I was there to survey the class. The teacher asked questions about homeworld and different methods they used to take earth. The kids were eager to answer, always raising their hands. Near the end, I was found out some how and flew down the halls to find the others. I remember being outside on this big platform that looked like a parking lot, but was up pretty high like a terrace. There, I was found by Jasper who was force-fused with Steven and Connie! She was only able to get out one big destructive stomp when she jumped before they kept falling apart. Stevonnie then began battling her, and I went to search for Ruby. I remember finding a big fancy cafeteria area (even though gems don't eat!) where I found Ron Stoppable from Kim Possible(??) and Amethyst who had befriended a group of gems just by being themselves. I warned them we've been found out and tried to get them to leave, but they were too confident in the situation. Ron blurted out that everyone was equal which started a riot and we then escaped. The only other thing I remember is that Lapis and Peridot went off on their own to visit someone they knew (I remember her as GG, my great grandma).

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