1/3/20 Reunion Among Ruins | Mermaiding at Grandma's

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I was with a group that included my dragon characters Lilac and her massive red father Anzu. I don't know who the others were, but they were all children, specifically young boys. I believe most of them were anthropomorphized animals.
We had entered some kind of underworld through a gate portal where ruins of temples laid strewn about a dead wilderness. The sky was grey but there was no rain, and all the trees were bare. The atmosphere was so still and all of us stayed quiet for a moment as we gazed.
Suddenly, coming at us like a quick breath of air, ice swept over ground and dead grass, tapering like fingers right at the base of the small gate steps. I was standing at the bottom step when we were startled to see a giant dragon, about the size of Anzu, barreling toward us.
It resembled a Shadow of the Colossus beast, spiky scales and horns grey as stone and old as the temple ruins. It had a lighter gray mane from its head to its neck that swayed like fur, but were as sharp as rock. The dragon spit out frost that immediately froze everything it touched, making things slippery and difficult to react.
As I ran and slid past the beast, Anzu charged while Lilac focused on getting the children to safety. We scurried as far out of the way as the ice would allow, although still pretty close to the battle scene. Anzu bashed the stone dragon in the chest with his horns, suddenly knocking it to its side.
"Stop!" a voice shouted. It was a deep, soft but distressed female voice echoing in the air around the beast. Anzu stepped back.
"Don't you recognize me?"
Anzu slightly softened his stance upon hearing a certain familiarity in her voice.
"Not like this... But don't you see? You broke the prison stone!"
"Prison stone?" He quickly exclaimed and lowered his head to find a black oval stone embedded into the dragon's chest that had been shattered by his horn's blow. It had a strange golden curse symbol, but was now destroyed.
"You freed me, Anzu." The voice sighed with relief as the grey dragon's stone flesh vanished to reveal a smaller, slender, icy blue dragon laying on her side. It was none other than Anzu's beloved mate, and Lilac's mother, Nuvua.
"My love!" He touched his snout to her face as she slowly rose to her feet.
All of us gazed with awe at the two giant dragons reunited. They nuzzled each other as they spoke words of longing and love; how they missed the other so much and counted the days they were apart. Nuvua tried to explain what had happened to her, but was so overwhelmed that it was difficult to relay. Apparently she was taken by the lord of this realm, imprisoned in a beastly form, and controlled by the curse of the stone that was attached to her. But we don't know why or anything else.
Anzu didn't want to distress her anymore, so he nuzzled her again and said, "there's someone here to see you."
He stepped back and looked at Lilac who was standing beside me, staring wide-eyed at her parents. Nuvua turned her head around and mirrored Lilac's expression. She turned and held out her slender claw, beckoning her to come.
Lilac ran to her mother who lifted her to her face in tears. They nuzzled each other and wept joyfully, for their family was no longer apart.
That is all I remember.

In another dream, I was at my grandparent's house in the woods where they were having a small party. My cousins were over and some other people I don't recall. After we ate, I slipped into my mermaid tail and went out onto the second floor porch where some people were sitting and chatting. I stood at the edge behind the fence and leapt over.
"Help?" Aunt Kimmy exclaimed in a startle, thinking I was jumping. But instead, I flew.
I swam through the air effortlessly as I propelled myself with my tail. For some reason, it kept lurching into a standing or sitting position and I was having trouble staying forward with the tail behind me. But eventually I got it right and just swam around, swooping under branches and over the stream.

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