1/1/19 Knife-wounds (rated R)

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I didn't want to write this one down, and you'll see why, but it's still fresh in my memory so here goes.
I was about to take my late dog Champ for a walk when I heard a blood-curdling, horror-movie, high-shrieking distant scream. I recognized it as my sister Rebekah's voice, as she was screaming for help. I immediately grabbed my phone and began jogging up my neighborhood road with Champ, searching for the source. A strange man was strolling down the road and started to talk to me. He just kept trying to keep the conversation going as I was hurrying up the road. He'd say things like, "Hey, how are you? Nice day, huh? Good day for a walk." I was getting annoyed with him as he was still trying to talk with me even though I've passed him. I'd just respond with short answers like, "uh-huh, yeah, yep," etc. The reason I wasn't honest with him was because he was very creepy. I immediately didn't trust him, and for good reason.
Eventually, when he got the message that I wasn't interested, he asked, "do you like water balloons?" For some reason I knew he wasn't referring to water balloons.
"Do you like to throw water balloons at people?"
Finally I faced him, "Who are you throwing knives at?! Where's my sister?!"
Immediately he grabbed me and we suddenly appeared in a room that looked like a campground pavilion; dark, old, and stained. I was horrified when I saw all my high school class mates chained to a wall with one spotlight lighting up their horrified faces. They were bloodied, some were missing, I didn't see my sister. Champ had disappeared at this point, so I was alone and responsible for how to take the situation.
"If you don't start throwing knives, I'll put you in the lineup," he said angrily, holding a bunch of very sharp kitchen knives. There was no way I was going to join in on this guy's horrible fetish.
Then I saw my sister lying on the floor, knife wounds everywhere. I was too late.
I wanted to run. To call the police. Do something, but I didn't have enough time before he'd start throwing knives at me. What could I do? Just run around in circles avoiding getting pierced? I can't even remember now what I did. All I remember is the horror and the screams from my friends as he treated them like dartboards. One speared the right side of Shannon's face. Another went right into Josh's stomach. He wouldn't stop, he'd keep playing his sick game until no one but me was left.
Then the dream started over. This happens a lot to me, as if the dream gives me multiple choices to take. Rebekah was still alive. I decided to attack the man. I was stabbed, cut, probably died and came back again. It was a cacophony of events that happened. Somehow we ended up in a large auditorium. Everyone and more was there, seated and waiting for whatever the heck they were there for. I was trying to find the man. Apparently no one knew him or what he had done. Was I in the past, before the slaying of my friends? I tried to warn people about him, but they wouldn't listen. I didn't record any evidence on my phone, though how could I have? I was helpless.
Of course he came in and of course no one believed me. He even tried to stab a helpless toddler who just sat on the floor, looking up at his knife with wide innocent eyes. I stopped him, dragged him to the crowd, told them what had happened. Because he still had the knife in his hand, they were curious. Why no one initially believed me, I'll never know. I'm an honest person. I would never make up something like that. Why am I even still writing this?
The last thing I remember, he was chasing me around the auditorium and stabbed me in the side. I woke up feeling sore there, but no knife-wound. What a great dream to start the new year.

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