7/7/17 Chaotic Thoughts

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This was more like weird night thoughts after some creepy sleep paralysis. I was about halfway into sleep when I started to feel like I was slowly spinning, as if my bed was on a turntable. It slowly spun me around and I could hear the fan in my room get louder. It sounded like it was at the head of my bed, and my head was about to go into it until I woke up for real, a little freaked out. So I grabbed my Discord plushy that I got from Bronycon last year, and here's where the weird night thoughts happen.
I hugged him close, thinking, "now the chaotic parts of my dreams will filter through him, so I can have nice dreams and he can have fun with all that weird chaotic stuff." Then I started thanking God for him, that he will make me feel better at night. Twas weird.

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