12/26/23 Thumb Tack

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(Slight gore warning)

I was staying in some sort of hospital ward as a patient for whatever reason. It was evening, and everyone was starting to settle down for the night. I was on my way to bed when I began to feel a stabbing pain in the top of my foot. I crouched down to investigate, only to find the flat white head of a thumb tack stuck in my foot. With no idea how it got there, I began to pick at it with my fingernails.
After a bit of fumbling, I managed to lift the head up to hopefully relieve the pain in my foot. However, the needle of this tack was much longer than I expected.
Wincing and clenching my teeth in discomfort, I slowly and carefully continued pulling out the long needle as it collected blood and bits of skin. Before I could fully release it however, my brain switched the ends of this unnaturally long tack so that the needle was facing up and the white head was still in my foot. Because of this, I could only pull it out so far until the head hit the under surface of my foot and got stuck.
Unsure of what to do, I called over a nearby nurse for help. The older, stout, and clueless lady took one quick look at the pin and asked, "oh, is that a wire?" and YANKED on it, jerking my foot up. 
I yelped and winced hard before she realized it was stuck and let go. She gave me a rather disingenuous apology and suggested that I'd need surgery. With the pin still stuck in my foot, I woke up feeling the pain in that same spot where an incision is due to my recent surgery.

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