4/23/18 Poisoned Sword

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I had received some sort of terminal illness by touching a poisoned sword. At first I didn't feel anything, thinking that the people who told me about the venom on the sword were just paranoid. I was in some kind of tavern by the way, with a basement/cellar that looked more like a dark creepy dungeon.
I thought I was just examining an ancient relic that the tavern had, sort of like a museum. But then the poison began kicking in, and I started feeling very tired. Someone had told me there was a medicine man in the basement who may be able to cure me. I was able to go downstairs, but my fatigue was getting worse. I was also scared that a monster might appear from the shadows of the dungeon and I wouldn't be able to run.
Somehow I was upstairs again after finding the man, who was laying in a bed beside the railing of a different staircase that swirled down. It now looked like the second floor of my grandma's house. I knelt down, leaning on the bed feeling exhausted. The man had a plate of different kinds of pretzels and he was asking me to eat a certain one. Apparently this was part of the process to heal me. What wasn't addressed was that it seemed the man himself was also poisoned and experiencing the same illness, hence why he was laying down. I didn't want to ask, however, as it probably would've made the situation worse. He was also getting rather irritated if I picked up the wrong pretzel. He held one that was a purple color, which gave me the impression that that was the medicine. But he wanted me to eat other specific ones before that one. I didn't understand the process, but I obeyed.
This whole time my cousins on my mom's side were trying to get to me, as if they wanted to stop me. I had to remorsefully fight them off, throwing slaps and pushes that'd of course anger my aunt. I felt hurried and trapped, getting so tired until I was nearly unconscious on the floor. The medicine man was also losing consciousness.

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