11/16/17 Birds in the Building

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I was at my old church, Newsong, in the second floor auditorium/gym. There were 3 birds that somehow got in and were flying around chaotically. Nobody could catch them, so I made it my duty to try. I had gotten a long thin branch from outside and held it from me, reaching up near where one would be flying. It actually landed on the branch, and I could feel the weight of it pull my arms down a little. It was so realistic, that my end of the branch stabbed me a little in the torso, but it didn't hurt.
I slowly maneuvered to the exit door, which was down a small flight of stairs. The bird thankfully stayed on the tip of the branch as I tried to figure out how to open the door. Apparently the key was to place two of my fingers on two separate pads that hovered slightly above the lock. I pushed them down which unlocked the door and I stuck the branch outside so the bird could fly away.
I then returned to catch the others. The second one landed on the branch, with my end pushing up into my chin as the weight of the bird leveled down. I once again maneuvered to the stairway. This bird however, had somehow got itself tangled in hairs and couldn't fly right. I was able to grab him and begin pulling the hairs off. The bird was flapping and biting, but I didn't let go into all the hairs were off of him.
After pulling the last hair out, the bird was calmer and I set him on the floor to open the door. When I opened it, he slowly hopped outside onto the gravel. There was a mom and her child walking their dog across the parking lot and saw the bird. The mom was excitingly telling her daughter to look and they marveled at it. I stayed to make sure the bird was okay before going in to catch the last one. That's all I remember.
The birds looked closely to sparrows, which is pretty normal. They often get themselves trapped inside big buildings.

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