9/12/18 Seed's Amnesia

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It was a dream following two of my characters, Prince Benjamin Bear of the Bear Kingdom, and half dryad/half human Seed. I think the plot was that Seed had somehow gotten amnesia and it was Benjamin's duty to help her remember everything. Sometimes I was in Seed's perspective, and sometimes I was just watching. It's really hard to remember myself, as the dream was splayed out in pieces, but one of the scenes was a carnival. The two were walking around the fairgrounds as Benjamin explained everything they saw.
Another scene was in a house or a room, hardly looking like the castle, and Seed was crying. I think she felt lost and hopeless, and Benjamin and some of his friends? were trying to help. I think they were just trying to have her take a nap.
Then I remember we (as in Seed and Ben) were trapped in a modern building with a bunch of villains, trying to escape (I regret to say, it must've been from watching My Hero Academia before bed). Here, Seed was regaining control over her plant powers. We'd run through hallways, hide in bathrooms and staircases, almost get completely either pummeled by a big guy's giant club, or sliced by a ninja-looking guy's jagged sword. At one point we were cornered on a level of a staircase with a big couch against the wall, facing both the upward and downward steps. Several villains surrounded us and had us sit on the couch.
They legit wanted a group photo, I guess to show off that we were caught. Benjamin and I were trying to subtly plan to sprint immediately after the flash, but the big guy kept sitting in front of him. Every time Benjamin would move, so would he as if he knew, and I wasn't going to escape without him. Eventually we decided to wait, as I leaned behind the villain I was sitting beside making the "cut" motion with my hand moving across my neck. Benjamin understood and we waited.
Later we had made a break for it down the stairs and dashed into the nearest bathroom to hide in the stalls. There were several doors down that hall, and the villains didn't see where we went, but of course the big guy came right into the room. The last thing I can remember in this scene, was when he was opening stalls, I slid underneath the door into the next stall.
Later, it appeared to be the "ending" of this story. It was like a movie, as the camera swooped over the kingdom of bears celebrating and glided up to the very top of the castle where Seed and Benjamin were twirling each other in glee in front of fireworks. It was cute and all, but everything was just too scattered and bizarre.

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