116. The Other Half - Part 2

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Inside Twilight's castle, in the room that was soon to be Starlight Glimmer's room, Star Twinkle and the pony in the black armor were still standing across each other looking each other in the eyes. A creepy thought considering that they were both the same pair of eyes.

The pony in the black armor turned out to look exactly like Star Twinkle, down to the very last hair. An almost crushing silence was filling the room where Star Twinkle and the pony in the black armor were in. The fact that Star Twinkle was looking at someone who looked exactly like him was way beyond his understanding and he desperately wanted answers to many of his questions.

"Face? My Face? The pony in the black armor, that attacked me back then. Why does this pony look like me?" Those were only a few questions in his mind right now. The silence in this room was much to his dislike, he almost wanted the pony in the black armor to answer them. But at the same time, he didn't. What kind of answers would he get? Would he be able to understand them? This was too much to handle for him. But then he remembered that he already got an answer before. An answer that confused him even more. "You are the one who looks like me." That is what the pony said before. What does that mean? Star Twinkle was supposed to look like the pony in the black armor? Why?

With all these questions circling in Star Twinkle's head, the pony in the black armor spoke again. "I guess it doesn't matter anymore," he said, his voice sounding exactly like Star Twinkle's, which made the stallion feel rather uncomfortable. "It would have been easier on you to know less but I guess that can't be avoided anymore..." the pony in the black armor said in a heavy tone.

Star Twinkle was conflicted to find out more, it was making him feel uncomfortable to even look at the pony in front of him but whatever was happening here could not just be ignored. There was a pony in front of him that looked exactly like him after all. Even if the truth would scare him, he needed to hear it.

The pony in the black armor then continued. "I am Star Twinkle...the real Star Twinkle," is what he said in a serious tone.

Without even listening to any more words coming out of the mouth from the pony in front of him, Star Twinkle quickly replied. "No, you're not! I am Star Twinkle!" He said in a mix of anger, frustration, and confusion.

"Well...you are not entirely wrong..." the pony in the black armor replied. "You are a clone, or rather, another half that was based on me," he added.

"Clone? Another half?" Hearing all those words were starting to make Star Twinkle a little mad. "Yeah, sure! Do you think I fall for something like that?! You are probably a Changeling that transformed into me or something like that!" The stallion concluded. The pony in the black armor kept silent. Talking with Star Twinkle while he was like that seemed pointless after all. "That's right! This Arcana guy and those other five ponies he showed us! They are Changelings too! This all makes a lot more sense than you claiming to be the real Star Twinkle!"

"But I am," the pony in the black armor replied with not a single hint of doubt in his voice.

Seeing this pony this calm and talking so casually started to get on Star Twinkle's nerves. "I am the real Star Twinkle! I don't know who exactly this Arcana is but he obviously is bad news! I would never work together with someone like that!" He exclaimed.

"So you say that you know yourself better than anyone else?" The pony in the black armor asked.

"Of course I do!" Star Twinkle shouted back. "I'm the real Star Twinkle after all!"

The pony in the black armor quickly picked up on that. "Then tell me, when or where you have met Summershine for the first time?"

"I...err..." Star Twinkle replied losing his momentum after hearing those words.

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