45. Monster Fluttershy

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Sometimes in a week, a market would open up in Ponyville, where you could find relatively fresh food for a reasonable price.
From time to time, Star Twinkle would go there too, in order to restock his supplies.
Equipped with a bag and a list of some fruits and vegetables written on it, he was halfway done finding everything on the list.

While wandering trough the market, trying to find what he needed, he saw Rarity and Pinkie Pie walking up to him.

"Hello there, Star Twinkle," Rarity greeted.

"Looking for some veggies?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yup. It seems the only thing left on my list are carrots.
I swear, Comet eats those like crazy..." he said while he scanned through his list.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked at each other with puzzled eyes.

"Wait...you mean, your fish?" Rarity asked because she found it strange how a fish would eat carrots.

"Yeah..." he replied, not seeing anything wrong about it.

The two mares only shrugged their shoulder in confusion while they looked at each other and left it at that.
Star Twinkle was still checking his list, but then Pinkie Pie grabbed his attention.

"Hey, look! It's Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie said, pointing her hoof at where Fluttershy was at, causing both Star Twinkle and Rarity to turn their heads to where Pinkie Pie was pointing at with her hoof.

Fluttershy was trying to buy something from a merchant.
But every single time when it was her turn, somepony else was jumping in front of her.
Despite being the shy and restrained pony she always was, she at least attempted to talk with the ponies in front of them only to be pushed away again.

She was probably doing her best but it was not good enough and Fluttershy gave up after multiple failed attempts to get the thing she wanted and walked away sadly.

Of course, the three ponies watched everything and Rarity could only shake her head in disapproval.

"Would you look at that?
Those ponies just took advantage of Fluttershy's timid nature!" Rarity said, offended by the way how one of her friends was treated like.

"Maybe she wants to avoid any trouble?" Star Twinkle pointed out.

"Like me..."

"-Or maybe she doesn't want to start an awkward conversation," he added.

"Like me..."

But then Star Twinkle realized something and narrowed his eyes.

"Wait...Am I a pushover too!?"

However, Star Twinkle had to worry about this another time since Rarity was still upset about Fluttershy.

She just needs to learn how it's done!" She said before she walked over to Fluttershy who was still upset for not getting the thing she wanted.

As Fluttershy walked past the three ponies, Rarity instantly told her that she doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
But as expected, Fluttershy was trying to make sure that she wasn't bothered by it.
Unfortunately, she was not good at hiding that.
Pinkie Pie pointed out that Fluttershy was a pony with a problem.
However, Fluttershy didn't even seem to be aware of that.

"What problem?" Fluttershy asked obliviously.

"Star Twinkle," Rarity said, to which Star Twinkle knew exactly what to do.

He turned Fluttershy around so that she would face another merchant before he quickly rushed in front of her.

"Oh, go right ahead, Star Twinkle. You first," she then said as a reaction to Star Twinkle's played rude behavior.

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