100. A day in Ponyville

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A little town in Equestria that often becomes the target of adventures small and big. Whether it is a problem for only one pony or the whole town, there always seems to be something going on there. This day was no exception.

A monster was roaming free in town and it was up to seven ponies to take care of it. Those seven ponies, of course, were Star Twinkle, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. They were running around town fighting the dreaded Bugbear, a creature that escaped from Tartarus and had to be dealt with before it could do any serious damage in Ponyville.

Considering how those seven ponies usually managed to succeed in saving the ponies around them, it was only a matter of time until they would defeat the Bugbear and seal it away in Tartarus again.

But that was not important right now...

A train arrived at the train station of Ponyville and many passengers left in order to attend a special event. There was a wedding going on later that day. The two who would get married were Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda, two donkeys that live in Ponyville.

Cranky Doodle Donkey moved to Ponyville not too long ago and wanted to live in peace, without anypony bothering him. Pinkie Pie, who usually befriends every new face in town, wanted to be friends with him as soon as possible but was a little to direct and annoying for the donkey and just wanted her to be out of his life. That was until it turned out that Pinkie Pie knew Matilda, the long lost love of Cranky, that he looked for ages. The mare managed to make the donkey happy again and they then became friends.

All those events pretty much led up to this day, where the two donkeys decided to marry. And of course, a lot of visitors were to be expected for this wedding. Two of them were Sunny Twinkle and Rainfall Twinkle, the parents of Star Twinkle.

The two ponies stepped out of the train as well and took a good look at the town where they used to live for a long time before moving to Canterlot. They were also invited to the wedding since they were friends with Matilda for a long time now. Hearing that she was about to get married made them really happy and of course, they both would attend the wedding as well.

"Let's go visit our son!" Sunny Twinkle suggested as soon as he stepped out of the train.

Rainfall Twinkle nodded. "Yes, let's go," she said before she took one step forward only to stop again once big monster was flying right past her and Sunny Twinkle, leaving them quite surprised.

Soon, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and lastly, Star Twinkle were running past the two Earth Ponies as well. The last one, being the only one to talk to both of them.

"Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Can't talk right now!" The stallion explained in a haste as he followed right behind his friends and the Bugbear.

And just like that, Star Twinkle, along with the rest of his friends, were off chasing the strange creature, without having a minute to spare to welcome the two ponies in town. Both Sunny Twinkle and Rainfall Twinkle just smiled at the sight of this.

"And there he goes, saving Equestria from some kind of danger again..." Sunny Twinkle said.

"Seems like it..." Rainfall Twinkle added.

They both sighed. For them, things like that were the norm now. Their son was always wrapped up in some kind of adventure with his friends. Of course, they both wanted to know what exactly was going on but they figured that they would get in their way too so there was only one thing left for them to do.

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