39. Quality vs Quantity

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It was still morning in Ponyville and Star Twinkle was fully asleep at that time.
However, somepony was knocking on his door, causing him to awake.
Being grumpy as always when he is thrown out of his bed, Star Twinkle was walking towards his door in order to open it.
The knocking continued, starting to annoy Star Twinkle a little,

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!" He said half-asleep, walking to his door.

When he opened the door, Rainbow Dash was standing in front of him with an overly excited expression on her face.

"Come on, Star Twinkle!
Cider season's about to start!" She said excitedly.

But Star Twinkle didn't show the same excitement than her.
Right now, all he wanted was to continue his nap.

"So?" Star Twinkle replied with his eyes half-open.

This caused Rainbow Dash to gasp in shock.

"What do you mean, "so"?
We have to go to Sweet Apple Acres to get our cider before Pinkie Pie grabs most of them!
This year I'm gonna get there before sunrise, so I can drink all the cider I want and laugh when she doesn't get any!
It's the perfect plan. Y'know, I might even buy some cider and hold onto it for a while, drinking it drop by drop in front of her–" She said in a more malicious tone.
"So are you coming or not?" Rainbow Dash asked waiting for Star Twinkle's answer.

But he just stood there and smashed the door shut in front of her after a while, leaving her confused outside.
He wasted no time, sliding inside of his bed again and covering himself with his bed sheets.
But he noticed some weight above him and opened his eyes, only to see Rainbow Dash above her.

"Aren't you excited for Cider Season at all?" She asked lowering her head to be on eye to eye with Star Twinkle.

"Not really...
I don't understand why you get so excited by some cider," he said covering his head with his bed sheet.

"Some cider?
You are talking about it like it is any normal cider!
As if you never tasted it at all!"

That is the case," Star Twinkle mumbled.

This caused Rainbow Dash to widen her eyes in shock.

"What!?" Rainbow dash exclaimed shocked, making Star Twinkle jump.
"You never tasted Apple cider!?"

"No, I haven't.
Now can you please go and lea-"

But he was suddenly lifted by Rainbow Dash above her head.
Something that Star Twinkle didn't approve at all.

"We have to change that!
I can't let one soul miss out of the most fantastic drink that was ever made in Equestria!" She said full of determination.

She then flew in the direction to Sweet Apple Acres with Star Twinkle on her back.
Flying with this speed this early in the morning while still being half-asleep was definitely not something that Star Twinkle wanted right now.
But the farther they got away from his house, the more he gave in.

At Sweet Apple Acres...

When they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres both of them were surprised by how many ponies were already there.
However, Rainbow Dash was more shocked than surprised.
In front of the line were multiple tents.
All these tents meant that somepony was inside of them and that meant that there were many ponies in front of them.
All this excitement quickly vanished from Rainbow Dash as she realized that she was too late.

As expected, Pinkie Pie stepped out of the first tent with her mane all messed up indicating that she spent the whole night inside of the tent.

"Who are all these ponies?!" Rainbow Dash asked Pinkie Pie worriedly.

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