107. The Marks are on!

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It felt like a long time ago since Star Twinkle had to come to the Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse. The main reason for that being that he got his Cutie Mark already and was no longer in need to try out multiple things to get it. At least that is what he thought was the reason. He was glad that he no longer had to accompany them on their crazy adventure but at the same time, he also missed it.

But now with him being the only member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders who actually got his Cutie Mark, he felt as if he needed to apologize or do something to make it up to them. The girls most likely planned that everyone got their Cutie Marks at the same time. Him showing up to accompany them to their quest now would certainly make them feel uncomfortable. They were probably doubting themselves and asked questions about why Star Twinkle got his Cutie Mark and they don't.

"This is...awkward..." the stallion said just thinking about this scenario.

He had a Cutie Mark, and they didn't. The three fillies were still in pursuit of their destiny or special talent and Star Twinkle had found his. Granted, they told him that he is still a Cutie Mark Crusader-Honorary member but now it felt to him as if they just allowed him to stick around because they got stuck with him. This all could have just been in Star Twinkle's head of course.

As the stallion walked closer to the treehouse, he could already hear the voices of the three fillies. He was about to enter but he instead decided to put his ears against the door to figure out what was going in there.

"Singing?" He said confused as he continued listening.

"'Cause the Cutie Mark Crusaders don't give in
We'll make our mark
One way or another
We'll make our mark
On the day that we discover
The ultimate reward of our cutie marks!"

Hearing the upbeat voices of the three fillies inside the treehouse did surprise the stallion. Then again, the three were always good at keeping their motivation sky high when it came to Cutie Marks.

"That is a good sign," Star Twinkle said to himself before he opened the door to enter the clubhouse. Obviously now was the best time to enter and talk with the girls.

As the stallion entered, he was greeted by three huge smiles. It was the kind of smile that told him that they were ready to tackle the day. "Now that the last member arrived, we can start finding our Cutie Marks!" Apple Bloom announcement, completely ruling out the possibility that this could be another day where they would fail to archive exactly that.

Scootaloo then looked over to Star Twinkle as if she tried to find something out about him. "What do you think we should do?" She then asked.

"What?" Star Twinkle replied confused.

"Yes!" Sweetie Belle agreed, even though Star Twinkle was not really sure to what. "You managed to get your Cutie Mark so you know better than any of us how to get one!" She pointed out.

"Uhh..." was the only thing Star Twinkle could reply for now.

The three fillies seemed to have come to the conclusion that Star Twinkle knew all about Cutie Marks now. That could not be further away from the truth though. Even if it was true, Cutie Marks are unique to everyone so him giving them tips would end up being in vain. Adding that up to what the three already tried so far and you'll end up with advice that will most likely disappoint them if they would fail.

But then again, he could turn this all around and avoid accompanying them on some crazy task and talk them into some easier things. Star Twinkle did not want to manipulate those three though. He just realized that he probably thought too much into all of this and that he should give some kind of answer before they realized what kind of battle he was having in his mind.

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