86. Let's trade!

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Once again, Star Twinkle and his friends, which included Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Steel Hammer, were on their way to Rainbow Falls. But this time it wasn't because they wanted to qualify for the upcoming Equestria Games. Today, they wanted to attend the so-called "Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange".

The Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange was a meet up of various ponies who would bring things with them that they wanted to trade away. Since there were so many different ponies meeting at that place, the variety of items that you could find there was enormousness, which is why the group decided to bring various things to trade with them so that they could exchange them for something else that they may want.

But of course, that was not the only reason why they visited that event. At the exchange, at least one princess has to be present, and since Twilight was now a princess as well, it was her turn now.

When the group left the train, all they had to do was to walk through a short cave to reach the Exchange spot and although everypony was a little excited about this, Pinkie Pie was clearly the most excited.

"Yes! Best day ever!" She squealed across the cave in her excitement. "We're all going to the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange! And not just going – we're accompanying a princess on an official royal duty!" She added, referring to Twilight's role in all of this.

But Twilight smiled and stayed modest. "Please, it's not that big of a deal. There always has to be a princess at the Exchange. Last year was Princess Cadance, this year it's me. It's just a formality. I'm sure none of the other ponies will even notice I'm here," she said calmly while she walked towards the exit of the cave.

But...as soon as the group was outside of the cave, with Twilight being in front of everypony, confetti began to rain from the sky and loud cheering could be heard. It all came from a big crowd of ponies who were already waiting for Twilight to arrive at the Traders Exchange, much to her surprise.

"Could be wrong, but I think they might've noticed," Applejack whispered to Twilight who could only laugh nervously after a welcome like this.

What followed was a whole bunch of ponies who walked up to Twilight in admiration. Some of them even asked for an autograph. Of course, Twilight felt a little awkward about all this and shortly explained that she had still somewhere to be so she was quickly left alone again.

It was times like this, where Star Twinkle was happy to not be royalty because then he would be the center of attention like this as well. He had enough from the attention that he already received from the ponies in the Crystal Empire. Luckily, he was ignored by those ponies, even if some of them kept close to Twilight and therefore, indirectly, to her friends.

After it was only the original group of ponies, and one dragon, left again, they all decided to finally enter the Exchange. There were, as expected, many ponies who either set up a tent or a little shop to showcase all the stuff that they wanted to trade. The group took the chance to check out what was already offered by some of the ponies nearby. There were a lot of things offered by all kinds of ponies, some things more valuable than the other. But it didn't really matter how valuable something was as long as somepony was willing to trade it for something else.

The girls were already looking around for that very special item that they wanted to trade. Fluttershy, for example, already looked at a little statue of a bunny. "Oh, my goodness!" She said as soon as she further inspected the little statue.

"You said it," Rarity said, who was busy trying on some fancy hats already. "The Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange is simply divine. You can get anything you want here!" She added before she actually went ahead and exchanged one of her hats for the one that she was trying on.

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