60. Outcasts - Part 3

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It was a stare off between Summershine and the five ponies who called themselves the Outcasts. One against five. One hooded Pony against the previous Captain of the Royal Guards, the previous leader of the Storm Wings, a carefree Changeling, a swift thief, and a little innocent stallion.

"I will free the Princesses," Summershine said determined while he looked straight into Fade's eyes.

"Do you?" Fade bluntly replied. "I think you are overestimating yourself a little if you think that you can take all of us on," Fade pointed out, reminding Summershine that it is still five against one.

"Careful, Fade," Mystic added concerned. "This one is not to be underestimated," Mystic remembered again.

Fade had to admit, that he grew a little more cautious after hearing Mystic saying that. Normally, Mystic would never admit something like that, meaning that the situation was not to be taken lightly now.
"Rosa, Tagma," Fade said, causing the two of them to join the two Unicorns.

"Understood, there is no way that he will get past us!" Rosa said determined as she stood ready for battle.

"Oh! I got an idea!" Tagma said out of the blue before he transformed into Summershine as well.
"If I transform myself into him, then he wouldn't know who to attack," he explained as he laughed a little proudly to come up with this plan.

"Yes, he would!" Rosa exclaimed annoyed. "He is the real one! So of course, he would know that he just had to attack another one who looks like him!" She added as she pointed out the flaw in Tagma's plan.

The Changeling quickly turned back to his Pegasus form and made a puzzled face. "Oh, yeah!" He said before he giggled in embarrassment. "Sorry, forgot that," he added as he rubbed his neck embarrassed.

Suddenly, just like before, growls and roars could be heard from the corners of the room. It was Wildheart's animal friends, that quickly walked closer towards the hooded Pony. Wildheart must have set up his friends so that they would surround any attackers, in a case for a situation like this.

"Well, looks like we don't even have to do anything," Rosa said smugly as she loosened up again.

"Good job, Wildheart!" Tagma praised, causing Wildheart to only nod as a reply.

Summershine, however, did not seem to realize that he was surrounded by those animals since he looked up to the Princesses, who were trapped in those dark orbs. He made a worried face after watching the two being trapped in dark magic, sitting inside those orbs almost lifeless.

"Don't worry, your majesties..." he said before his eyes turned towards his enemies again, forming a determined expression on his face.
"I will get you out of there!"

The animals seemed to feel the change inside of Summershine and instinctively charged towards him as if they could feel that Summershine was about to attack.

Summershine didn't move a muscle or neither did he show any worry, despite being attacked by multiple wild animals at once. There was no way that he could dodge out of the way because there were just too many animals. This fearless expression almost worried his opponent who were just waiting for Summershine to be attacked and defeated by the animals.

But they were surprised by what they saw next...

The animals backed up after Summershine made his move, without moving from his spot. His opponents were shocked and surprised by what they saw happening in front of them.
A wall of fire was surrounding Summershine, protecting himself from the animals, who didn't dare to come any closer to him.

"Fire?" Fade said confused.

"I didn't know you could create fire out of nothing with magic!" Tagma said in awe of Summershine's "magic"

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