30. Nightmare Night

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It was that time of the year again. The time where you could dress up in a costume and go from door to door to collect candies or play various games in town. A day dedicated to the Legend of Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Night.

Star Twinkle had his own experiences with this celebration. It was a day like any other for him. The only difference was that it was a lot noisier at night. Like most celebrations and holidays, Star Twinkle was alone at that moment and didn't know how to spent his time. At Nightmare Night, Star Twinkle would usually dress up in something, where nopony would recognize him. It made it easier for him to take part in the celebration while still avoiding social contact with any pony.

But that is not what he wanted this time. He prepared himself to go outside and have some fun with his newfound friends.

"Well, this is it...Nightmare Night..." Star Twinkle said with concern.

His plan was to go outside and spend some time with his friends. He wanted to see another site of Nightmare Night.

After putting on his costume, he was ready to go. Star Twinkle was wearing a costume that looked like a robot. His costume consisted of a gray armor with two wings on his back and a helmet, all made out of wood and painted by himself. It was not the best costume but for him, it was perfectly fine. He was ready to leave now but somepony knocked on his door. It was three fillies who were dressed as a princess, an astronaut and a ladybug, accompanied by Granny Smith.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something good to bite!" The three fillies sang cheerfully in front of Star Twinkle.

Even though he was planning to go outside most of the day, he prepared some candies, in case something like that would happen. He put some candies inside of everyponies bags but got startled after one pony jumped out of the crowd of fillies.
It was a little colt dressed as a pirate, who seemed overly excited and thus tripped in front of Star Twinkle.

"Pipsqueak the pirate, at your service. It's my very first Nightmare Night," the little pony introduced himself.

"Careful little guy. I got enough candies for everypony," Star Twinkle assured, before putting some candies in his bag too.
"In a way, it is also my first Nightmare Night,"

"How come?" The little pony asked.

Star Twinkle didn't feel like, telling the whole story since he didn't want to bother this child with his previous problems. "It's a long story," he simply replied

Suddenly another pony dropped out of the crowd demanding some candies. "Candy! squawk !" Pinkie Pie said, imitating a chicken.

She was wearing a chicken costume and behaved like a chicken. If it was any other pony, Star Twinkle would have asked why a full-grown pony was still going from house to house to collect candies but since it was Pinkie Pie...

"You know, I should be surprised...but I'm not..." said Star Twinkle before putting some candies in her bag as well.

Pinkie Pie showed him a happy smile and left along with the other children.

"See I told you, Star Twinkle wasn't a gloomy, mean and unfriendly pony," Pinkie Pie said when she left with the four ponies and granny smith.

Star Twinkle, of course, heard all that and felt offended. Though he couldn't deny it. Those ponies probably heard all kind of rumors about him in the past.

When they left, Twilight and Spike approached Star Twinkle. "Good evening, Star Twinkle," Twilight greeted before she was presenting her costume, waiting for Star Twinkle to know what it is supposed to be.

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