52. Trouble in Canterlot - Part 2

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"Heeeeelp!" Star Twinkle screamed through the cave in hope that somepony would hear him. But the only thing that could be heard was his voice echoing through this mysterious cave. He couldn't tell where exactly he was right now and even if he knew, he was still trapped in a big cocoon, several hoofs above the ground.

He could barely move while being wrapped into this cocoon, making an escape almost impossible. Still, he tried to do his best to free himself no matter how pointless it was. Especially, after imagining what Cadance could have done with Twilight. Star Twinkle blamed himself for not staying with her. If he wouldn't have walked away, then he maybe could have prevented everything. Or at least be with her instead of no knowing where she was or what happened to her. Just the thought of her being hurt because of him made him angry, causing him to struggle even more inside of the cocoon.

However, it was no use. He couldn't get out of it on his own and had to wait until somepony would find him. This is not what he wanted right now because he could only think and worry about Twilight, making him more and more frustrated. He thought about the last moments before he confronted Cadance and It only made him feel bad the more he thought about it.

"I said that I believed her...
But what did I do?
I walked away...
What kind of a friend does that?" He said to himself while he looked around in his cocoon, seeing only undefined Images outside. He could swear that he saw something move while outside of the cocoon which made him regain his hope to get out of this situation.

"Hello?" A voice said from outside before Star Twinkle could even scream for help. It sounded like a female voice but he couldn't identify it from inside the cocoon.

"Yes? Is somepony there?" Star Twinkle asked confused, not knowing if the pony from the outside could hear him at all.

"Wait, I'll try to get you out of there!" The voice said.

He couldn't see who it was. He could hear noises from behind, making him suggest that this pony was trying to open the cocoon. But he couldn't move his head due to being wrapped inside of the cocoon and didn't know exactly what happened to him. But whoever it was, if he or she was trying to help him then there was nothing more to discuss. He was just glad that somepony found him right now. There was nothing that Star Twinkle could do anyway. Except waiting for something to happen.

Eventually, the cocoon was lowered and fell down to the ground, causing Star Twinkle to be covered in the remains of the cocoon while his head was spinning because of the abrupt landing. However, he was free now and turned around to his savior.

"Thanks...I don't know if I would have gotten out of it on my own...um," he said before he turned his head to the pony to find out who saved him.

But when he realized who it was, he no longer was in the mood to thank his savior. It turned out to be Princess Cadance. Star Twinkle instantly backed away from her and gave her a glare, much to her surprise.

"You again! What did you do with Twilight?" Star Twinkle exclaimed angrily at the mare.

"Twilight?" Princess Cadance asked confused.

"You did something to her before you captured me, right? Where is she? What did you do to her!?" He said even angrier than before, not knowing what Cadance did to Twilight.

"No! I'm the real Cadance," she replied little startled by Star Twinkle's tone. "The Cadance that captured you is an impostor!"

Star Twinkle didn't believe her. She probably tried to confuse him. Although, he wasn't sure what she would gain from that because she already managed to capture him. It didn't make much sense but he was way too concerned about Twilight to think straight at this moment.

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