14. Running of the Leaves Race

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Today was the annual Running of the leaves race. The race was always held in Fall and served the purpose to remove the leaves from the trees. In order to do that, a race is held because that would create enough hoof stomping to remove the leaves.

Star Twinkle was also competing in this race and waited at the starting line. Next to him was Steel Hammer who also participated in the race.

Every pony who ran in the race had a number on their flank. Steel Hammer was number twelve and Star Twinkle was number thirteen. It felt weird for him to have something on his flank for once, also number thirteen was a really bad sign, he thought.

"I must say, I was surprised when you said that you would run in the race too," said Steel Hammer while getting warmed up for the race. "I mean, I never thought of you as an athlete," he added.

"I just felt like joining the race. That's all," Star Twinkle replied with a bored tone in his voice.

Steel Hammer was used to Star Twinkles rather short explanations, so he didn't bother to ask any further.

While the two stallions were warming up, they noticed Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Figured, thought Star Twinkle. They were both very athletic, so it was assumed that they would join the race too. They both approached the two mares, who were also surprised to see Star Twinkle in the race. Applejack was number eight and Rainbow Dash number eleven. Also, Rainbow Dash's wings were tied up with a rope much to Star Twinkles surprise.

"Why are your wings tied up like this?" asked Star Twinkle curiously.

But Applejack explained before Rainbow Dash could answer.

"To prevent her from cheating, like before," explained Applejack.

"I was not cheating! You just never told me, to not use my wings," explained Rainbow Dash in an almost aggressive tone in her voice.

"And I already explained, that I didn't think I needed to remind you, to play fair!" Applejack replied, also in a rather aggressive tone.

It was obvious to the two stallions that there was some tension between those two. Star Twinkle didn't want to know what this was all about and pretended he didn't listen to their little argument.

After talking for a while another mare approached the group of ponies. It was Twilight, who had a number forty-two on her flank, indicating that she was running in the race too. That surprised everypony since Twilight was more into studying than sports. She looked confident but the four ponies had to restrain themselves from giggling or laughing. Twilight explained that she read books in order to prepare herself for the race. That made Rainbow Dash laugh uncontrollably and even Applejack couldn't stop herself from laughing a bit. Star Twinkle also had his doubts that Twilight would come far in this race. But that is not exactly what this race is about, he thought.

It's all about tradition. Running through the forest, create a lot of hoof stomping, make the leaves fall from the trees, he repeated in his head. But none of that was a reason for him to join this race. He was actually wondering why he decided to participate. He didn't know the reason. It was like, he just had to no matter what.

But before going into any more detail, Pinkie Pie, who was in a hot air balloon that flew above the heads of the contestants along with Spike, was about to start the race. Everypony was now getting ready for the signal.

"Good luck, Star Twinkle," said Steel Hammer to Star Twinkle.

"Yeah, you too," he replied.

"Hope you at least make it under the top five," he said.

"I wouldn't count on that," he replied.

It was not of importance for him what place he would make, as long as he would finish it, he was completely fine.

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