77. A Super Weird Party Pony

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Unlike any other day, today Ponyville was a lot more decorated and filled with balloons, streamers and colorful banners. If you live long enough in this town, you'll know that there was only one pony responsible for that. It was Pinkie Pie, who was preparing everything for Rainbow Dash's birthday party. But of course, the rest of her friends helped out as much as possible as well.

Star Twinkle, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and even Rainbow Dash herself were helping to decorate the town hall for the upcoming party later this day by placing decorations and balloons all over the place.

But with much decorations, came much work so naturally, Star Twinkle began to complain after a while. "Don't you think those are enough balloons?" Star Twinkle asked after he strapped another balloon on an empty spot in front of the town hall.

"That's up to Pinkie Pie," Twilight replied as she helped to put up some decorations as well.

Star Twinkle was not really excited to hear that because if he continued until Pinkie Pie was satisfied, then he would have to spend a whole lot of more time with decorating until all of Equestria was filled with balloons.

Applejack overheard this conversation and came up with another solution. "Well, since she is not here, why don't you ask our birthday pony instead?" She suggested.

Applejack, of course, referred to Rainbow Dash who heard Applejack's suggestion and quickly looked over the decoration for a moment to give her opinion. "We are talking about my birthday party so there is no way that I will accept anything less than totally awesome!" She explained dead seriously.

"Which means..." Star Twinkle started with a bad feeling in his mind.

"Yep! More balloons!" She said with a grin on her face. Of course, when it came to her, she only wanted the best of the best, or in this case, as much as possible, much to Star Twinkle's dislike who groaned frustrated and prepared another balloon.

"Where is our party planner pony now anyway?" Star Twinkle asked before he blew some air inside of a balloon that he was holding.

Twilight explained. "She's buying some more materials for the party. Like paint, banners, streamers..."

"Wait!" Star Twinkle interrupted. "She is buying even more decorations for us to place!?" He asked, getting already stressed just by the thought about spending more time decorating the town.

Rainbow Dash on the other hoof got even more excited after hearing this. "Aw, yeah! This party is gonna be so awesome!" She said in her excitement which completely contrasted Star Twinkle's reaction.

A little while later, Pinkie Pie approached the group. But she was not alone. There was a whole bunch of ponies behind her singing and dancing in excitement, much to the confusion of everypony.

"Why are so many ponies following her?" Fluttershy asked confused.

"Must have started a song while she was out shopping..." Star Twinkle figured which is a completely normal thing when it came to Pinkie Pie.

The whole crowd was singing and from the sound of it, it was all about how excited they were about any of Pinkie Pie's parties.

"Every single day there's something new we can plan for
Every single day there's something wonderful to try
But nothing makes us happy like a day that we can say
"Today there'll be a party planned by Pinkie Pie!""

They all sang with Pinkie Pie walking in front of the crowd with a bag full of decoration, banners, and paint. Like magic, Pinkie Pie was a lot faster when it came to decorating. She put everything that she bought instantly in place, whether it was a banner, streamers or balloons. While everypony was impressed by that, Star Twinkle was only glad that she didn't bring more work with her and could relax now for a while.

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