28. The Lord of Chaos - Part 2

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Only the laughter from the spirit of chaos could be heard in the in the now empty place where the labyrinth was standing before. And the only thing that could be seen were six ponies from who four of them didn't even realize the situation there were in.

"Oh, you ponies are just the most fun I've had in eons," Discord said amused, still laughing at the misery of the six ponies, much to Pinkie Pie's dislike.

"Well, quit it! You'd better not think before you laugh at the Pinki...ie Pie!" Pinkie Pie replied, struggling with her last words.

And once again Fluttershy took the opportunity to provoke Pinkie Pie more. "Oh, yeah? Well ha, ha," Fluttershy said.

"Quit it!" Pinkie Pie replied.

"No. Ha, ha" Fluttershy said again, further provoking Pinkie Pie.

"Quit it!" Pinkie Pie replied again, holding her ears with her hooves.

This was going on for a good while and Star Twinkle only watched how his friends behaved in a situation like that. Applejack and Rarity weren't any better, even going so far to fight each other because of that stupid boulder.

Twilight tried her best to talk with them but nopony listened to her. Star Twinkle didn't even bother and wondered if he would have turned out like this too.
Discord was obviously responsible for that. He tried the same thing with Star Twinkle too but for some reason, it didn't work. Eventually, Twilight turned her frustration towards Discord. "Stop it, Discord. You're not playing fair," She said.

"I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Hello?" Discord replied boldly.

"How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end," Twilight asked frustrated.

To that, Discord reacted rather surprised and Star Twinkle had a feeling why. Discord began to laugh and explained the situation further.

"You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth?" Discord said amused before he teleported himself, Star Twinkle and Twilight into Canterlot Castle again.
But in fact, he teleported them back in time, where they could see their previous selves again. It was that moment where Discord first confronted them.

"Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began," said the Discord from the flashback.

All three of them then teleported back to the remains of the labyrinth.

"I never said they were in the labyrinth," Discord said.

Twilight was confused because she felt tricked by Discord and was at a loss for words and Star Twinkle just tried to think about the answer. If they find the Elements, everything should return to normal. At least Star Twinkle kept saying that to himself to calm himself down.

"Keep trying, you two. Maybe the magic of friendship can help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak," Discord said mockingly before he vanished again.

But not before, he summoned some cotton candy clouds to rain down some chocolate milk on Star Twinkle and Twilight to make their situation even more miserable.

"Think Twilight, think! Find the Elements back where you began. Back where you began," Twilight kept repeating to herself in hope to find an answer.

"Do you know what he means by that Star Twinkle?" Twilight asked.

Star Twinkle was thinking about the riddle since Discord vanished. Twist and turns are probably referred to what Discord did with his friends. And back where they began had multiple answers to Star Twinkle. It could either be the castle of the two sisters where they first found the Elements or it could be the library of Ponyville where they first heard about the elements. That reminded him of Twilight's book about the Elements.

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