26. The Worst Night Ever

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"Today is the day!" Star Twinkle said determent.

There were only a few hours left until the highly anticipated Grand Galloping Gala would start.

He thought a lot about the princesses words from yesterday and decided to put away his usual behavior for this night. He just wants to have fun with his friends and forget everything else. At least for one day.

He walked his body in front of his mirror on the ground floor and stared at his own reflection. After taking a deep breath his face became more determent before he tried to motivate himself. "Alright, Star Twinkle!
Today you have to focus! No complaining and no avoiding other ponies. You will spend a good time at the gala! You got that?" He said to his own reflection, waiting for an answer to come out.

He then took his white suit out of his closet, that he got from Rarity. He didn't touch the suit since then. Even now he was carefully moving it out of the closet, as if it was made out of paper, carefully watching that nothing would get this white suit dirty.

After putting it on, he took a last look at himself in the mirror and left his house. But he got startled by a voice as soon as he left his house.

"Looking good!"

Star Twinkle jumped after hearing a voice right next to him after he opened the door. It was Steel Hammer, who stood next to the door, looking at Star Twinkle with a mischievous smile.

"Who are you trying to impress?" Steel Hammer asked with a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about? I got this suit from Rarity, for the gala," Star Twinkle explained.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. You look good is what I meant to say. After all, it's really rare to see you in formal attire,"

"Yeah, don't get used to it," Star Twinkle replied, looking away in a little embarrassment.

"The others are probably waiting. You better get going,"

"Yes," Star Twinkle replied before walking off.

"Oh! Star Twinkle!"

"Yes?" Star Twinkle replied after turning around to look at Steel Hammer.

"Have fun," Steel Hammer said in a caring voice.

Star Twinkle took a moment to answer but eventually replied with a smile on his face. "Thanks,"

He then walked away to meet the rest of his friends. But Steel Hammer just realized something, that confused him at first.

"Wait... that wasn't a fake smile..." Steel Hammer realized.

Meanwhile, Star Twinkle was on his way to Carousel Boutique. When entering the Boutique nopony could be found in the main room. But he could hear Spike nearby and followed his voice. Spike was standing in front of a door, bashing against it and begging to come in.

"Come on, you guys. Let me in!"

"What are you doing?" Asked Star Twinkle.

The little dragon then turned around in surprise and greeted Star Twinkle. Apparently, the others won't let him in because they are getting dressed. Star Twinkle found that a little weird, considering that they don't usually wear clothes. Shortly after the door was opened by Rarity.

"I'm sorry, Spike. Some of us do have standards," she said.

Rarity seemed surprised and even embarrassed to see Star Twinkle behind the door. She was either not expecting him which was unlikely because they were supposed to meet here or she felt a little uncomfortable.

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