11. Winter Mess Up

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Today is Winter Wrap Up Day. On this day, all the folks in Ponyville clear the town from the snow of the winter and bring in the spring. For that everypony will be assigned to one of three teams: The plant team, the animal team, and the weather team

The plant team removes the snow from the fields and plants new seeds for the upcoming spring. The weather team moves the clouds away to let the sun melt the snow and lead the birds so that they can return from the south. And the animal team wakes up the hibernating animals and prepare their food.

This would normally not be too hard if you could use magic but since Ponyville was founded by earth ponies, magic was not allowed.
It is tradition to do it this way and even since unicorns moved to Ponyville, this tradition was untouched.

Like everypony Star Twinkle was on his way to the town center to get his vest, that would decide which team he was assigned to.
A green vest would mean the plant team, a blue one the weather team and a tan one the animal team. The mayor would decide the teams and their leaders but Star Twinkle was sure which he would fit in the most.

"I'll guess I will be in the animal team again.
Can't do much as an earth pony in the weather team.
And plant team sounds like way to much work," he said.

He went to the town hall where a bunch of ponies were waiting for their vests. Star Twinkle was waiting in line and noticed how most of the ponies were already assigned to a team.

"Actually, it doesn't even matter which team I will be assigned to.
The leaders of the team will give me a job and I just do as they say nothing more," he said while in secret he wished for the animal team.

It was finally his turn to get his vest. When the mayor was about to give him one a pony beside her stopped her and whispered something in her ear.

"Oh yes, that's right!" She said.

It was probably some kind of adviser or something, Star Twinkle wasn't sure but this little delay made him wonder.

"Alright here you go," said the mayor handing him over a tan vest which made him sigh in relief.

"Thank you," he replied.

Just as he thought, he was assigned to the animal team. He quickly put on the vest and looked for the team leader, who was indicated by a star on the vest, instead of a bunny, a leaf or a sun.

The mayor then thanked everypony for being there so early and advised them to go to their team leaders but Star Twinkle couldn't find his team leader in this crowd so he walked back a little to get a better view.

"That's better now where's my team leader," he said while scanning through the crowd of ponies.

Meanwhile, a group of ponies gathered around him. They were all wearing a tan vest so they were all on the animal team, just like him. None of them had a star on their vests so none of them was the team leader. But they all looked at him, which confused him.

"Are you looking for our team leader too?" He asked.

They all looked confused at each other until one of them spoke up.

"Not anymore," said on of the mares.

Star Twinkle didn't know what she meant by that but then suddenly a really bad thought crossed his mind. To confirm his thought he took a close look at his vest. And what he saw on the emblem shocked him. It was a star, which could only mean one thing.

"What!? I am the team leader!?" He said in shock.

No wonder why they were staring at him like that. They were waiting for instructions. Meanwhile, the group of ponies still waited for him to give some orders, making him even more nervous.

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