22. Surprise Party

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Star Twinkle was just getting home and prepared himself for a quiet evening but after entering the door and closing it behind him, somepony knocked on it. He was wondering who it was since he didn't saw anypony on his way back.

When he opened it, Pinkie Pie greeted him with a song accompanied by her pet alligator Gummy.
Pinkie Pie seemed a little exhausted and Star Twinkle could barely figure out the words she was singing because she was breathing too heavily, causing her eventually to collapse to the ground from exhaustion.

A letter, that she was holding a moment ago fell down on the ground and Star Twinkle figured what this was all about.

"I guess this is an invitation for a party?" He asked while already knowing the answer.

Pinkie Pie didn't answer and just smiled in embarrassment at him in response.

"Alright I'll come," he replied.

He felt like refusing her invitation in her current state would make her only sad so he just accepted it.

She shouted out a little yay, which could barely be heard because of her exhaustion and crawled away from Star Twinkles house.

He took his time to read the letter in detail after Pinkie Pie left. Apparently, her pet alligator Gummy turned one year old and Star Twinkle was invited to his birthday party. He didn't know much about her pet but he already said that he would come so there was no turning back.

A little time later, Star Twinkle showed up at Sugarcube Corner at the appointed time. After knocking on the door, he was welcomed in typical Pinkie Pie fashion. Streamers, balloons, and confetti were coming out of Sugarcube Corner after Pinkie Pie opened the door.

"Star Twinkle! Welcome!" Pinkie Pie greeted him to which he entered the room.

Everypony was already there spending time with cakes, games, and dancing. The party was actually not bad, thought Star Twinkle. Even though it wasn't much different than any other party that Pinkie Pie was throwing. Nopony was complaining or bored but this is usually how Pinkie Pie's parties go.

Maybe Star Twinkle thought it was better than usual because it was only his friends who were present. No matter what it was, he wasn't bored most of the time and quite enjoyed himself.

Pinkie Pie took care of everypony equally while having fun herself. Star Twinkle spent most of his time eating cake and drinking punch. That's how he spent most of the parties he's invited too.

"Having fun?" Asked Pinkie Pie who made sure that Star Twinkle was enjoying himself.

"Yeah. The cake and the punch are really good," he replied.

"Alright! Good to hear!" She replied bouncing back to the others.

Star Twinkle was leaving with everypony else at the same time. It was already dark outside and he thought he stayed way too long now.

"You sure you don't want to stay?" Asked Pinkie Pie, who was watching how everypony left Sugarcube Corner from a window upstairs.

"No. It's getting a little late. But it was fun Pinkie Pie," said Stat Twinkle waving goodbye to Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie seemed a little upset but quickly smiled again and also waved goodbye.

After that, Star Twinkle joined everypony on his way home. They were talking about the party and how they liked it, although Star Twinkle mostly just listened.

"Pinkie Pie always throws the best parties!" Rainbow Dash said happily.

"Yes but next time she will be the one who is going to be surprised," Applejack said.

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