85. The Miracle Curative Tonic

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Star Twinkle and Steel Hammer were just about to end their work on the Iron Hammer. As usual, Star Twinkle was glad that another day of work was over and was about to leave but Steel Hammer was generous enough to give the stallion something to drink before he left.

Of course, Star Twinkle accepted since he was quite exhausted. "Thanks," Star Twinkle said after he took a bottle of water from Steel Hammer.

"No problem! Drink all up, I have my own refreshment right here!" He said before pulled out a little bottle. "Now is just the right time to test out that tonic!" He said before she drank from the little bottle that he was holding.

"Tonic? What tonic?" Star Twinkle asked confused, wondering what the stallion was talking about.

After taking a few sips from this so-called tonic, Steel Hammer looked up and seemed to wait for something. He then rushed at Star Twinkle without warning and showed him the top of his head. "Anything different?" Steel Hammer then asked curiously.

"What? Am I supposed to see something?" Star Twinkle asked after he was done looking at Steel Hammer's mane.

The stallion seemed disappointed and looked at the tonic. "Maybe I have to drink a little more of it in order for it to work?" He wondered. "I was sure that my mane would grow as soon as I would drink one bottle,"

Star Twinkle's curiosity was now peaked and he asked Steel Hammer to show this bottle to him for a second. He inspected it a little and was shocked by the name of this tonic as soon as he laid eyes on it. "The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic?" Star Twinkle read out loud in shock. "You mean like in Flim and Flam?" He then asked Steel Hammer confused.

The stallion nodded happily in response. "This tonic will cure everything! Pretty neat, huh?" He said with a wide smile on his face.

Still, that didn't answer one question. "If it is supposed to cure stuff, then why are you drinking it to make your mane grow?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"Oh, Star Twinkle," Steel Hammer replied while he shook his head. "This tonic can do much more than just cure you. It can, make you younger again, grow hair, make your better, and even make you grow taller!" The stallion explained highly excited, praising the tonic more and more.

But Star Twinkle had a hard time believing that. It sounded almost too good to be true. Now if someone like Zecora would come around and offered a potion like that, then Star Twinkle would maybe believe it. But the problem was, it was the Flim Flam Brothers who sold this. "You do remember that those two ponies tried to take over Sweet Apple Acres not too long ago, right? How can you even trust them?" He said, making Steel Hammer remember that just now.

"But...their song was pretty catchy..." was the only thing that he could say at this very moment.

Star Twinkle groaned as soon as he heard that. "Show me where they sell this so-called tonic," he said before he walked away to see for himself what this was all about. Steel Hammer did show him where to find the two sales ponies and Star Twinkle was immediately on his way to them to see himself what this was all about.

A little later...

It didn't take long until Star Twinkle arrived at the place where the tonic was sold. In the middle of a nearby forest, there was a circus tent where the Flim Flam Brothers were located at. As soon as the stallion entered the tent, he quickly saw a big crowd in front of him who were all watching the two brothers dancing and singing. They most likely did that to promote their tonic for some ponies who visited them for the first time, just like Star Twinkle.

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