110. Too Scary?

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Nightmare Night...

It was that time of the year again. Nightmare Night, the day where ponies would go candy hunting from house to house or scare each other, to name a few popular things. Normally, Star Twinkle would spend this day at home like any other day but that changed after his first Nightmare Night with his friends.

This gave the stallion a chance to actually appreciate the day a little more. He never really had the time to look at the decoration that everypony put all over Ponyville. His first Nightmare Night was not giving him the time for this. He never could take in the scary atmosphere that everyone tried to give to Ponyville on this special day. Needless to say, he was impressed.

Watching all the little ponies walking around in scary costumes having fun was making Star Twinkle pretty happy wandering around town. It almost made him feel bad for missing it all those years before. Better late then never, is what he kept telling himself.

The stallion quickly saw some familiar faces in the form of Granny Smith and Big McIntosh. They were loading some haystacks on a cart next to them. Granny Smith noticed the stallion and waved him over to them. He sensed how he was about to be asked to help them out.

"Hello, Granny Smith, hi Big Mac," Star Twinkle greeted.

"Hello there, Star Twinkle," Granny Smith greeted back. "Be a dear and help us with those haystacks," she said, wasting no time getting to the point.

"Sure," Star Twinkle replied annoyed. He just went on did as the elderly mare demanded. He picked up one of the haystacks and put them on the cart next to him. As he was about to pick up another one though, he quickly noticed someone hiding and shaking under it. "Fluttershy?" He asked confused.

It didn't take long till Granny Smith and Big McIntosh noticed the mare as well. "Fluttershy? What're you doin' out and about? It's Nightmare Night, remember?" She asked.

Star Twinkle didn't even think about that until Granny Smith mentioned it. From what his friends told him, Fluttershy usually spends Nightmare Night at home because she is too scared to leave the house so it certainly was a surprise to see her outside now.

"How could I forget?" Fluttershy replied as she came out of her hiding.

"Then what are you doing outside?" Star Twinkle asked.

"I need to buy some food because I forgot to stock up..." the mare replied nervously.

"But aren't you afraid to go outside at Nightmare Night? Can't you do that tomorrow?" Star Twinkle asked.

"Well, you see..." Fluttershy was about to explain but Star Twinkle was taking a shot in the dark because he had a pretty good guess.


Fluttershy nodded. "Yes..."

Star Twinkle sighed. He was starting to wonder who of those two was the pet and who the owner. What kind of owner gets thrown outside to buy something for their pet after all?

Having remembered why she left her house, to begin with, Fluttershy quickly saw an opportunity after looking at all the hay around her. "I don't suppose I could borrow a few pieces of hay from you? You do seem to have quite a lot," she asked.

"We need it for the Apple Family Haunted Maze," Granny Smith replied. "The scariest maze that there ever was. Who knows what lurks inside?" She then added in a scary voice, which had its full effect on Fluttershy who began shaking intensely.

"Oh, I'm sure I don't," she replied.

Seeing how easily scared Fluttershy was, Granny Smith decided to get further with her scary performance. "Is that a mummified pony that just leaped out at ya?" She said, pointing behind the scared Pegasus.

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