61. Wonderbolt recruits

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Star Twinkle and his friends decided to spend some time on a picnic while waiting for a specific letter to arrive. Apparently, Rainbow Dash signed up at the Wonderbolts Academy. This academy serves as some kind of test ground to determine if you have the potential to become a Wonderbolt some day. Of course, Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to sign up for this.

The letter if she got accepted into the academy or not was supposed to arrive anytime soon, which is why everypony decided to quietly wait for nearby Rainbow Dash's mailbox to find out what the answer of the Wonderbolts was. Except for one pink pony who just couldn't sit still.
"Ooooh, I wish the mail-pony would just come already! I can't wait another minute to find out if Rainbow Dash got in or not!" Pinkie Pie said as she nervously bounced around everypony before she jumped over to Star Twinkle. "Aren't you worried about the answer as well!?" She asked as she grabbed Star Twinkle's head in a panic.

Star Twinkle pushed her away from his face to get some more space again. "How about you just sit down and wait like everypony else?" He advised as he made a slightly annoyed face.

"He's right, Pinkie Pie," Twilight agreed. I mean, you're more nervous than Rainbow Dash," she pointed out, which was true. But after taking a better look at Rainbow Dash, it was kind of obvious that she either wasn't nervous at all or just good at hiding it.

"I'm not nervous at all," Rainbow Dash confirmed. "When I get into the Wonderbolt Academy..." she started before she was interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

"IF you get in! If you get in! Don't jinx it!" Pinkie Pie said nervously.

But again, Rainbow Dash showed confidence. "I'm telling you, it's in the bag,"

"She is the best flyer in Ponyville, after all," Applejack pointed out.

To that, Rainbow Dash felt almost offended and decided to correct Applejack a little. "In Ponyville? I'm probably the best flyer in all of Equestria," she said as she proceeded to show off her flying skills by manipulating some clouds above the group. "I wouldn't be surprised if they just went ahead and made me a Wonderbolt on the first day," she added confidently while flying backward, right into somepony by accident.

It was in fact, the long awaited mail pony. "Got a letter here for Rainbow Dash," the pony said as he presented Rainbow Dash a letter.

No time was wasted and Rainbow Dash quickly read the what was written inside quietly only to show a rather disappointing expression. "I... didn't get in," she said puzzled.

Needless to say, everypony was shocked by this. Everypony was sure that the Wonderbolts would accept her, especially, since she proved herself in front of them multiple times now.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash then said, revealing that she was just joking. "Ha, you guys are so gullible. Like I wasn't gonna get in!" She said once again confidently as she showed everypony the letter.

But before she got the chance to show it to everypony, Pinkie Pie tackled her down in her excitement and hugged her out of relieving. In fact, she hugged her so hard, that she almost broke Rainbow Dash's back in the process.

"Pinkie Pie? I kinda need to get going," Rainbow Dash said, making Pinkie Pie finally release the mare. "The sooner I get there, the sooner I get to show 'em my stuff! See you guys in a week!" She said before she already left to get to the academy.

Despite probably not hearing it, everypony said their good lucks and waved Rainbow Dash off, leaving the six ponies in the middle of the picnic.

"You think she will be alright?" Fluttershy asked a little worried.

"Of course, darling," Rarity added confidently. "Like she said herself, she is one of the best flyers in Equestria,"

"Exactly," Twilight joined in. "Becoming a Wonderbolt is her dream so she will make sure to give it her best!" She added confidently or rather pumped as if she strongly believed it.

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