Car accident - part 1

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Request from @goldencanyon but this isn't straight a request to me, I saw them requesting this from another writer but she has her requests closed so I decided to start my own.

Also btw English isn't my native language so I want to apologize if it's sometime hard to understand but I'll try my best!

Please tell me in the comments or dms if you liked this or not!<3

Word count: ~1700 words.


The boys were chilling in their tour bus. They have had an exhausting day today with a lot of photo shoots and interviews. Niall's stomach started growling and the other boys laughed along with him. Harry realised he was hungry too,

"Should we go get some dinner" he asked the boys. Niall agreed and got ready to go with Harry to go get some dinner. "Does anyone else want to come with us?" Harry asked. "I can come, I know a good food place here nearby" Louis said proudly. The other two boys stayed in the bus.

Then the three boys went to louis' Range Rover.
Harry wanted to drive and Louis' navigated him to the restaurant he told them was good. Niall was on his phone in the backseat. After some driving in silence Harry heard Niall shouting from the back "Harry drive faster, my stomach NEEDS food or I'll starve soon" Niall laughed a bit at his own sayings. Harry then looked back and told him "sorry bud, but your stomach has to wait 2 minutes, I can't go over the speed limit". Then suddenly Harry heard Louis yell "HARRY...LEFT...NOW...QUICK!" Harry reacted but it was too late to do anything...another car crashed their car from Harry's side.

Louis was the first to wake up, he was shocked to see he's best friends unconscious on the seats. Niall didin't seem to have so much physical damages but Louis saw blood dripping from Harry's forhead and his eyes were staring to get filled with tears. Louis got out of the car fast and realized there was coming smoke from the car so he knew he had to get his friends out of the car as fast as possible. He had inner panic but tried his best to stay calm so he doesn't do anything wrong. Louis then looked around to see if there was any strangers that needed help, but he only saw a car but no people.

Louis then was quick to get his friends out of the car. He put tem besides each other on the grass which was on the side of the road. He then called and ambulance and his friends who were still wating for food.

Louis called Liam, "hey what's taking so long? Did you stay there to ea-" Liam started, "" Louis cut him off at the same time realizing how much he was panicking. Liam then continued "woah hold on, take it easy, slowly, breath, tell me what happened, are you okay?", Louis took a deep breath and then replied "yeah I think so, or I don't know, I have a headache but that's all, but Harry...and Niall...I don't know about them"..."have you called an ambulance, tell me what happened" Liam asked a bit worried. "Yes, a car came at us at high speed straight into Harry's side, I tried to tell Harry to move but it was already too late" Louis told Liam. "We"ll meet u at the hospital" Liam said and they hung up.

The ambulance came and medics rushed out to see what state the two boys laying on the grass were. Louis saw Niall slowly opening his eyes. Louis rushed to him and asked a bunch of questions, one of the medic told Louis to calm down, he said he was stressing Niall by asking too much. Louis realised and calmed himself a little and then said "hey, how are you feeling Niall" Louis asked him softly. "What happened?" Niall asked quietly trying to sit up but got pushed back gently by one of the paramedics who continued to do some stuff on him, Louis then replied "we got into an car accident". "Where's Harry?" Niall asked. Louis had almost forgot about Harry and started to feel panic and anxiety crawling up in him but he needed to stay calm for Niall, he then said "he's in good hands".

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