Claustrophobic (Niall)

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Again, hello. My own idea. Hope you like it!💕.

I have one more idea but I am running out of them. Just if you don't have requests you can give me only topics too!:).

Word count: ~1100 words.

I'm right now in school writing this cuz I'm bored.

Edit* sorry i just realized how bad this is 😭😭 i see how much ive improved tho.

The boys had just finished another concert. They were on their way to their hotel. When they arrived at the hotel they went straight to their room and their own beds.

The next day was busy, no concert, but a few interviews and recordings.  The boys woke up around eight in the morning because they had an interview at half past nine. Louis, Niall and Liam always had to wake up Harry and Zayn.  Harry and Zayn were heavy/deep sleepers who could sleep all day unless someone would wake them up.

"Good moorning lads" Liam said after they had just sang an own 'wake up' song. "Ugh, I wanna sleeeeep" Harry whined. Zayn didn't even bother to say anything. Eventually they got up and started to head out to go eat breakfast.

They were waiting in the elevator. Niall was already staring to panic even when nothing had happened. Then the elevator stopped and jerked. Even the lights went off. It was dark.

"Is everybody okay?" Liam asked as he turned on his phone flashlight. "Yeah, you?" Louis asked. They were all okay, tho Niall didn't say anything. He was sitting at the corner holding his knees and shaking. Harry approached him, "Niall are you okay? You aren't hurt right?" Harry asked a little worried but tried to be as calm as possible. "No...but I'm not feeling good" Niall said and tears began to flow down of his eyes.

Zayn tried to press the red emergency button but it didn't work. "What the heck do we now do? Aren't these like meant to work when we have an emergency or what are these for then!?" Zayn said stressed as he pressed the button several times. "Calm down, we already have one mate panicking, you panicking too doesn't help anything" Liam said and helped Zayn to calm down.

Niall started to breath more heavily, he was sweating and couldn't stop crying. "Niall, try to breath slowly, deep breaths" Louis said as he kneeled beside him too. "You can try to copy me" Harry said putting Niall's hand on his chest. Niall tried but then took his hand away since it didn't work.

Louis noticed that Niall was on the verge of passing out. "Niall? Try to stay with us? Deep breaths, slowly, Niall?" Louis said getting worried. He didn't really know what to do in these kind of situations, none of them did.

Niall was dizzy and started seeing black dots. He couldn't really answer anything but he could hear the boys trying to get his attention. And then everything went black for him.

"Shit, Niall!" Harry said, "why is not the emergency button working?!?!" He added. Suddenly the lights went on again but the elevator wasn't moving. Zayn pressed the button again and finally a voice came from it "hello, we know that the elevator is stuck and we are really sorry, there was technical difficulties, help is on the way" the female voice said. "Our friend has passed out! Send an ambulance or medics or something too!" Zayn said in an angry tone. "Hurry up please!" Liam added.

Niall started to slowly wake up. "Niall! Shh it's okay, you just passed out" Louis said soothly. "The help is on the way, try to take it easy" Harry said as he patted Niall's knee a little.

Niall was feeling so tired and exhausted. He could barely even manage to talk. He tried to sit up but couldn't, "No Niall, it's okay you can lie here until the medics arrives" Harry said. "Medics?...I don't need medics, I just want to go to sleep" Niall said tiredly. "It's best that they check everything okay with you, you can rest after that" Liam said.

"I'm totally fine" Niall said and stood up, shich was a bad idea since he almost collapsed immediately but Louis and Harry managed to catch him. They helped him lay back down. "Woah mate, don't stand up yet, you were passed out for a few minutes" Louis said.

After a few minutes Niall could sit up. And then finally the elevator started moving, wich made Niall relieved but he was still panicking inside the whole time. They arrived at floor number 1 and the doors opened. There was a technician and a medic. The boys helped Niall out of the elevator and laid him on the coach nearby because the medic told them to.

The medic kneeled down and put his medical-emergency bag down on the floor and took Nialls vital as the rest of the boys stood there and watched.

"Hi my name is John Ohlsen, I'm going to chech your vitals" the medic said,"Everything seems fine, your pulse is a bit high but it will eventually slow down. I want to advice you to take it easy for today and tomorrow if needed. I don't see a need for going to the hospital. You should also drink a lot of water, I see you are a little dehydrated as well" the medic asses and stood up to go back to his work place. "Thank you Mr. Ohlsen" Harry said and watched him walk away.

The manage had called them several times when they were stuck in the elevator but they didn't answer because they would just hurry them to come there even if one of them wasn't feeling too well. One of the boys had called Paul to tell him what has happened and he told him to tell the management.

"We should cancel everything for today and postpone it for tomorrow or the day after that" Liam said. "No I'm okay, you guys can go, I'll be fine, the management wouldn't let you anyway" Niall said eyes closed. "We can help you back to our room" Zayn said.

The boys helped Niall get back to their room. They didn't really want to leave him alone so Harry stayed with him while the others went to the interview. But they did decide that they would postpone the recordings, the management didn't have another choice to agree with it. Niall just slept a lot and Harry took care of him.

The next day was better and Niall felt a lot better. So they went back to do the recordings at their work. Everything went well.


Yeah, here might be a few spelling mistakes but I'll check them later.

Hope you liked it 💕.

Requests or topics?🧡

Coming up next: harry injured.

Also, logitech2401, I think I have one more of your ideas in progress, I'm not sure. But I'll write it sometime when I have more time.

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