What's wrong? (Harry)

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I (kind of) got the idea of this shot from logitech2401 so yeah, hope you like it! <3

I feel like this is kinda chaotic and does not make sense but Yeah hope u still like to read <3.

Wordcount: ~1180 words.
The boys had just finished their last concert of the year and went out to celebrate it. The next few days weren't so amusing anymore.

It all started with Harry waking up early in the morning, feeling weird. He felt extremely tired all day but didn't really think anything of it.

"You alright Hazza?" Louis asked as he gestured for him to join him on the couch. "Yeah I'm just tired, we had such a day yesterday" Harry said. "That's so true I'm tired as well, but it was amazing" Niall joined the conversation with a bowl of chips in his hands.

"Lads, wanna do something today?" Liam asked. "Zayn and I though about just going for a walk, anyone wants to join?" He added.

The boys thought for a while, they were all pretty tired. Well, eventually Harry went with Liam and Zayn while Niall and Louis stayed inside watching TV.

"Alright let's g-" Harry said as he stood up from the sofa but stopped in the middle of his sentence. "You ok?" Zayn asked.

"Mhm, got a bit dizzy for a moment there, just stood up a bit too fast I think" Harry replied. "Call me if you start feeling worse, yeah?" Louis said to Harry before they went outside. Harry nodded and then him, Liam and Zayn left.

They were walking in comfortable silence, just enjoying the weather. About half an hour later Harry started to feel a bit sick. "Guys..." he began.

"What's wrong Harry?" Liam asked concerned. "I-...I think I need to throw up" Harry said and then ran to the nearest bush he could find. "Hey, why didn't you say you were feeling ill earlier?" Zayn inquired after Harry was done.

"I'm not! It must just be from the hungover of yesterday, I'm fine!" Harry insisted. Liam put his hand on Harry's forhead to see if he has a fever. "Harry you're burning up" he said. "It's just from the sun, it's pretty warm out here" Harry responded, not so convincingly.

"Alright, if you insist. But if you feel sick again one more time, we go home right away, okay?" Liam said. And Harry agreed.

They continued their walk and now they were only 15 minutes away from home. They had been on a two hour walk.

Suddenly Harry was about to just collapse out of nowhere but Liam and Zayn managed to catch him before that. "Woah, Harry, you're not okay" Liam said.

Him and Zayn helped Harry home but right when they were about to step inside they noticed something.

Harry was really close to pass out. "Harry? Can you still hear me?" Liam inquired and got no response. "Quick Zayn open the door, we need to lay him down". Everything just escalated so quickly, Harry was fine this morning.

Zayn opened the door and Liam laid Harry gently on the floor. "He's sweating".

"What happened?" Louis asked as he saw Harry, then he quickly got up to check on Harry. Niall went to grab their medical bag were they had a fever thermometer and meds.

"I don't know, he threw up an hour and a half ago, then a while later he was about to collapse and now this" Zayn tried to explain.

Harry's eyes were half open, slowly closing and opening but he didn't respond to anything and he was sweating a lot.

"Harry try to stay with us okay?" Liam said. "I got the thermometer!" Niall said as he rushed to the living room.

"40.4°C (104.36°F)...this is bad. Louis get a wash cloth, Zayn call an ambulance and Niall stay here with me" Liam ordered and everyone did as they were told.

"What's happening?" Niall asked as he noticed Harry's eyes roling back and he started convulsing. "Fuck, he's having a seizure. Zayn, how long for the ambulance?" Liam said. "9 minutes" Zayn replied.

"9?! Oh gosh. Okay, calm. Niall time it. Harry you're doing good, it's alright" Liam said as he helped Harry to a better position and moved out stuff from the way.

"HARRY?!" Louis was so shocked to see Harry having a seizure. "It's okay, he'll be okay. Ambulance is coming soon" Liam said.

The boys were doing everything they could as they waited for the ambulance. Harry's seizure only lasted a couple of minutes but he remained unconscious.

Now they were waiting in the hospital. "It's so weird, he was completely fine this morning!" Louis said, he was stressed and worried. "Yeah that's what I was wondering. Everything happened so fast" Liam replied.

About an hour later a doctor approached the boys. "Hello, I assume you're friends of Mr. Styles?" She said. "Yes, how's Harry?" Niall responded.

"Okay, so we found an infection spleen which spread quickly and made him extremely sick and the high fever caused the seizure" the doctor explained. (btw I have no idea if stuff like this is actually possible but this is wattpad so I decide what's possible and now it is).

"So, what now?" Louis asked. "Well, the infection is so bad that we would suggest surgery, it's not a big surgery, but it is not necessary. We can also treat him with antibiotics but with surgery he would have a faster recovery. It's up to you guys" she explained.

Louis thought about it for a minute with the boys and they eventually decided that the surgery would be the best option.

~time skip~

"Hey, love. You're so strong. I miss your beautiful eyes, please wake up soon" Louis said as he ran his hand through Harry's curls and held Harry's hand with his other one.

Not so long after Harry stirred a bit. "Harry? Oh my god. Can you hear me?" Louis asked, and got a small nod from Harry. "Take it slowly, you've had surgery" Louis said as he let Harry wake up.

"Liam, Niall, Zayn! Harry's waking up!" Louis woke the others up. It was kind of the middle of the night so everyone had fallen asleep.

"Hi" Harry croaked out with a small smile. "God Harry you scared us" Liam said.

"What happened? I only remember throwing up in a bush and then everything's black" Harry said. "Well..." Liam began explaining everything. "Woah...sorry".

"No Harry it's okay, don't apologize, main thing is that you're okay. How are you feeling?" Zayn said. "Better than yeasterday even though I don't remember much from it. Thank you for helping me lads" Harry replied, feeling grateful for his friends.

A couple days later Harry was released from the hospital and the boys helped as much as possible. Harry didn't really have to do anything except go to the toilet himself.

About a month later already Harry was almost completely back to normal, he still had to take it a bit easy but otherwise he was feeling well.
Okay this is peobably one of the worse ones I've written but it's something...maybe I'll edit it later and it's soon 2am again so I should sleep. Thank you for reading anyway <3

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